Angelo Taveggia
Authority on Roses

(Obituary Notice)

[ Angelo Taveggia ] [ Childhood Nostalgia ] [ Come Walk With Me ]
[ Discount Drugstore ] [Graffiti ] [ Immortality for Father ]
[ Lake Lady ] [ Luigi Della Mora ] [ Luncheon Function ]
[ Mind Map ] [ Mood Light ] [ Moth Bait ]
[ Nicholas Falcone ] [ Pennsylvania Diner ] [ Rain Wiper ]
[ School Marm ] [ Sky Scene ] [ Snapshot ]
[ Snow Dyeing ] [ Taste Riddle ] [ Typing Class ] [ Vigil ]

He died in bed at St. John's Hospital
His widow sobs
He is dead, his debts are paid.
As did his roses fade So did his life's blood go
Each season new buds will form
But no more for Angelo, Angelo!
The rosarian Taveggia
An authoritarian extrodinaire
Who knew each of three hundred kinds
Intimately more than he knew his wife
For they were fragile, needing care
Straw mulch protection from winter snow
His wife was strong
Angelo, Angelo!
A rosary recited for Mr. Taveggia
Tonight at eight
Tomorrow mass at ten
Where roses blanket cold hard flesh
When Angel fed his plants 
with lifes' spent waste
He bequeathed his wife
A handful of butterflies

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