Iron catalytic nanoparticle formation

ME574(W13) TEAM 4







Numerical Method







Using the finite element method, the formation of iron nanoparticle by surface diffusion has been simulated.  The diffusion minimizes the surface area by changing its surface shape to a droplet as we expected. This tendency to the droplet is more clearly indicated by simulations with different initial film thickness. All three initial film thickness models are rectangular which have different height/width ratio on surface, however the final shape of all models have converged to the quadrant. Moreover, its final radius of droplet is compatible to the initial area of film due to the conservation of volume (or area in this 2-d simulation case). In addition, we reported that the completion time of particle is dramatically decreased as the annealing temperature increases.


Although this work has limited to one specific particle formation and surface diffusion only, it gives the basic understanding of the surface shape changing mechanism and fundamental to assume an iron catalytic particle size and completion time in real model.