you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

i have been trying to write about complex things in a language that i only have a simple understanding of. i want to get to the heart of the issues, but its the form, not the content of what im saying, that always seems to keep slipping away from me.

there are some words though that make complete sense.
cooking = memasak
(by the way, i found THE BEST egg sandwich in all of madison last weekend.
it is made at this store,

which is no bigger than 4ft x 5ft on the inside, so everything is made to go - you can get it either wrapped in foil or put in a bag. it is totally new york style egg sandwich.

and so is the window above the storefront. not sure what its connected to though - i looked to see if it was part of another store, someone's apartment, what, but it just looks like its its own jam. a drum kit, ready to ramble on...)

ketakutan = fears, phobias
(ive been feeling sick lately. but nothing specific, just general malaise. my hands are dry. i am tired of spending time with paper. but i want to get this. i am trying to cram this physical data into my mental space and its not translating.)

i think i keep forgetting that its not the literal translation of things that so important, its getting the gist of it thats for the now. (exactly.)
such as the lovely
kuku-kuku kaki-kaki kakak kakekku kaku-kaku = my younger sibling has very straight toenails.
who would think about such things? i think thats why theres all those ku's and ka's in there, to make you realize that its not really a high priority.

my dog got hold of a blue pen the other day. perhaps he's begun his blue period, like picasso...


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