you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ok you guys, easy. Sorry blog updates have been slow.

But, to put a positive spin on it – thanks for the emails, I miss you guys too!

Things are fine here in Madison, other than not having much internet time (at least not as much as everyone else is used to me having, apparently).

Also, oddly, every electrical device ive brought with me to work from has gone on the fritz in the past week. My camera’s memory (fine for the past 6 months) is mysteriously “unreadable” here; my final cut software worked in ann arbor, but now wont open to edit any videos; and two days ago my computer recently decided to reset its internal clock to a date in December of 1969. Its working fine otherwise, but spell check appears to be lost in a hallucinatory drug-induced stupor reminiscent of those smelly hippy days of yore (how can a misspelling of the word “turgid” propt it to suggest “halcyon“-? Perhaps a better question is what was I doing using the word turgid in a sentence in the first place.)

It is indeed a time for introspection. The physical world is a strange place - handwritten flashcards, homework assignments and talking to people in real time will take some getting used to. However, if I should ever get completely disoriented in this heady, graded, course-packets, physical space and chairs-connected-to-desks kind of a world that I am discovering Madison to be,

at least theres a cow parade (or, as they would say in Indonesia, “Parade Sapi”) to keep me orientated in reality.

(Im sorry, this was the last thing I took pictures of before my camera blew out. I saw them and was completely shocked. I know, its hard to look at. Again, analog can be...daunting.)


At 12:32 AM, Anonymous zack said...

The last cow parade cow was pretty creepy- why put a dress on a cow if its utters are just going to be hanging out, and why is the cow jumping and destroying the rainbow people. Weird.

How famous of an 'artist' does one have to be to get a Cow to paint. can we get in on that action?

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Kira said...

Maybe it's because if something is turgid, it's shape is easily discernible - clear, even halcyon. . .

Personally, I kind of like the cows. What disturbs me far more than their painted hides, or their static positions, is that most people can walk right by them without even blinking.

Remember, C-mo my dear, when the paper and flashcards get to be too much - you're in Madison, so go have a pretzel and some beer!


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