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1 /*
2  Simple DirectMedia Layer
3  Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org>
5  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7  arising from the use of this software.
9  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16  appreciated but is not required.
17  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18  misrepresented as being the original software.
19  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
20 */
22 #include "SDL_config.h"
24 /* General mouse handling code for SDL */
26 #include "SDL_events.h"
27 #include "SDL_events_c.h"
28 #include "SDL_gesture_c.h"
30 #if !defined(__PSP__)
31 #include <memory.h>
32 #endif
34 #include <string.h>
35 #include <stdio.h>
36 #include <math.h>
38 /* TODO: Replace with malloc */
40 #define MAXPATHSIZE 1024
42 #define DOLLARNPOINTS 64
43 #define DOLLARSIZE 256
45 #define ENABLE_DOLLAR
47 #define PHI 0.618033989
49 typedef struct {
50  float x,y;
51 } SDL_FloatPoint;
53 typedef struct {
54  float length;
56  int numPoints;
57  SDL_FloatPoint p[MAXPATHSIZE];
58 } SDL_DollarPath;
60 typedef struct {
61  SDL_FloatPoint path[DOLLARNPOINTS];
62  unsigned long hash;
63 } SDL_DollarTemplate;
65 typedef struct {
67  SDL_FloatPoint centroid;
68  SDL_DollarPath dollarPath;
69  Uint16 numDownFingers;
71  int numDollarTemplates;
72  SDL_DollarTemplate *dollarTemplate;
74  SDL_bool recording;
75 } SDL_GestureTouch;
77 SDL_GestureTouch *SDL_gestureTouch;
81 #if 0
82 static void PrintPath(SDL_FloatPoint *path)
83 {
84  int i;
85  printf("Path:");
86  for (i=0; i<DOLLARNPOINTS; i++) {
87  printf(" (%f,%f)",path[i].x,path[i].y);
88  }
89  printf("\n");
90 }
91 #endif
94 {
95  int i;
96  if (touchId < 0) recordAll = SDL_TRUE;
97  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
98  if ((touchId < 0) || (SDL_gestureTouch[i].id == touchId)) {
99  SDL_gestureTouch[i].recording = SDL_TRUE;
100  if (touchId >= 0)
101  return 1;
102  }
103  }
104  return (touchId < 0);
105 }
107 static unsigned long SDL_HashDollar(SDL_FloatPoint* points)
108 {
109  unsigned long hash = 5381;
110  int i;
111  for (i = 0; i < DOLLARNPOINTS; i++) {
112  hash = ((hash<<5) + hash) + (unsigned long)points[i].x;
113  hash = ((hash<<5) + hash) + (unsigned long)points[i].y;
114  }
115  return hash;
116 }
119 static int SaveTemplate(SDL_DollarTemplate *templ, SDL_RWops * src)
120 {
121  if (src == NULL) return 0;
124  /* No Longer storing the Hash, rehash on load */
125  /* if(SDL_RWops.write(src,&(templ->hash),sizeof(templ->hash),1) != 1) return 0; */
127  if (SDL_RWwrite(src,templ->path,
128  sizeof(templ->path[0]),DOLLARNPOINTS) != DOLLARNPOINTS)
129  return 0;
131  return 1;
132 }
136 {
137  int i,j,rtrn = 0;
138  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
139  SDL_GestureTouch* touch = &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
140  for (j = 0; j < touch->numDollarTemplates; j++) {
141  rtrn += SaveTemplate(&touch->dollarTemplate[i],src);
142  }
143  }
144  return rtrn;
145 }
148 {
149  int i,j;
150  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
151  SDL_GestureTouch* touch = &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
152  for (j = 0; j < touch->numDollarTemplates; j++) {
153  if (touch->dollarTemplate[i].hash == gestureId) {
154  return SaveTemplate(&touch->dollarTemplate[i],src);
155  }
156  }
157  }
158  return SDL_SetError("Unknown gestureId");
159 }
161 /* path is an already sampled set of points
162 Returns the index of the gesture on success, or -1 */
163 static int SDL_AddDollarGesture_one(SDL_GestureTouch* inTouch, SDL_FloatPoint* path)
164 {
165  SDL_DollarTemplate* dollarTemplate;
166  SDL_DollarTemplate *templ;
167  int index;
169  index = inTouch->numDollarTemplates;
170  dollarTemplate =
171  (SDL_DollarTemplate *)SDL_realloc(inTouch->dollarTemplate,
172  (index + 1) *
173  sizeof(SDL_DollarTemplate));
174  if (!dollarTemplate) {
175  return SDL_OutOfMemory();
176  }
177  inTouch->dollarTemplate = dollarTemplate;
179  templ = &inTouch->dollarTemplate[index];
180  SDL_memcpy(templ->path, path, DOLLARNPOINTS*sizeof(SDL_FloatPoint));
181  templ->hash = SDL_HashDollar(templ->path);
182  inTouch->numDollarTemplates++;
184  return index;
185 }
187 static int SDL_AddDollarGesture(SDL_GestureTouch* inTouch, SDL_FloatPoint* path)
188 {
189  int index = -1;
190  int i = 0;
191  if (inTouch == NULL) {
192  if (SDL_numGestureTouches == 0) return -1;
193  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
194  inTouch = &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
195  index = SDL_AddDollarGesture_one(inTouch, path);
196  if (index < 0)
197  return -1;
198  }
199  /* Use the index of the last one added. */
200  return index;
201  } else {
202  return SDL_AddDollarGesture_one(inTouch, path);
203  }
204  return -1;
205 }
208 {
209  int i,loaded = 0;
210  SDL_GestureTouch *touch = NULL;
211  if (src == NULL) return 0;
212  if (touchId >= 0) {
213  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++)
214  if (SDL_gestureTouch[i].id == touchId)
215  touch = &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
216  if (touch == NULL) return -1;
217  }
219  while (1) {
220  SDL_DollarTemplate templ;
222  if (SDL_RWread(src,templ.path,sizeof(templ.path[0]),DOLLARNPOINTS) <
223  DOLLARNPOINTS) break;
225  if (touchId >= 0) {
226  /* printf("Adding loaded gesture to 1 touch\n"); */
227  if (SDL_AddDollarGesture(touch, templ.path) >= 0)
228  loaded++;
229  }
230  else {
231  /* printf("Adding to: %i touches\n",SDL_numGestureTouches); */
232  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
233  touch = &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
234  /* printf("Adding loaded gesture to + touches\n"); */
235  /* TODO: What if this fails? */
236  SDL_AddDollarGesture(touch,templ.path);
237  }
238  loaded++;
239  }
240  }
242  return loaded;
243 }
246 static float dollarDifference(SDL_FloatPoint* points,SDL_FloatPoint* templ,float ang)
247 {
248  /* SDL_FloatPoint p[DOLLARNPOINTS]; */
249  float dist = 0;
250  SDL_FloatPoint p;
251  int i;
252  for (i = 0; i < DOLLARNPOINTS; i++) {
253  p.x = (float)(points[i].x * SDL_cos(ang) - points[i].y * SDL_sin(ang));
254  p.y = (float)(points[i].x * SDL_sin(ang) + points[i].y * SDL_cos(ang));
255  dist += (float)(SDL_sqrt((p.x-templ[i].x)*(p.x-templ[i].x)+
256  (p.y-templ[i].y)*(p.y-templ[i].y)));
257  }
258  return dist/DOLLARNPOINTS;
260 }
262 static float bestDollarDifference(SDL_FloatPoint* points,SDL_FloatPoint* templ)
263 {
264  /*------------BEGIN DOLLAR BLACKBOX------------------
266  -"http://depts.washington.edu/aimgroup/proj/dollar/"
267  */
268  double ta = -M_PI/4;
269  double tb = M_PI/4;
270  double dt = M_PI/90;
271  float x1 = (float)(PHI*ta + (1-PHI)*tb);
272  float f1 = dollarDifference(points,templ,x1);
273  float x2 = (float)((1-PHI)*ta + PHI*tb);
274  float f2 = dollarDifference(points,templ,x2);
275  while (SDL_fabs(ta-tb) > dt) {
276  if (f1 < f2) {
277  tb = x2;
278  x2 = x1;
279  f2 = f1;
280  x1 = (float)(PHI*ta + (1-PHI)*tb);
281  f1 = dollarDifference(points,templ,x1);
282  }
283  else {
284  ta = x1;
285  x1 = x2;
286  f1 = f2;
287  x2 = (float)((1-PHI)*ta + PHI*tb);
288  f2 = dollarDifference(points,templ,x2);
289  }
290  }
291  /*
292  if (f1 <= f2)
293  printf("Min angle (x1): %f\n",x1);
294  else if (f1 > f2)
295  printf("Min angle (x2): %f\n",x2);
296  */
297  return SDL_min(f1,f2);
298 }
300 /* DollarPath contains raw points, plus (possibly) the calculated length */
301 static int dollarNormalize(const SDL_DollarPath *path,SDL_FloatPoint *points)
302 {
303  int i;
304  float interval;
305  float dist;
306  int numPoints = 0;
307  SDL_FloatPoint centroid;
308  float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;
309  float ang;
310  float w,h;
311  float length = path->length;
313  /* Calculate length if it hasn't already been done */
314  if (length <= 0) {
315  for (i=1;i < path->numPoints; i++) {
316  float dx = path->p[i ].x - path->p[i-1].x;
317  float dy = path->p[i ].y - path->p[i-1].y;
318  length += (float)(SDL_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
319  }
320  }
322  /* Resample */
323  interval = length/(DOLLARNPOINTS - 1);
324  dist = interval;
326  centroid.x = 0;centroid.y = 0;
328  /* printf("(%f,%f)\n",path->p[path->numPoints-1].x,path->p[path->numPoints-1].y); */
329  for (i = 1; i < path->numPoints; i++) {
330  float d = (float)(SDL_sqrt((path->p[i-1].x-path->p[i].x)*(path->p[i-1].x-path->p[i].x)+
331  (path->p[i-1].y-path->p[i].y)*(path->p[i-1].y-path->p[i].y)));
332  /* printf("d = %f dist = %f/%f\n",d,dist,interval); */
333  while (dist + d > interval) {
334  points[numPoints].x = path->p[i-1].x +
335  ((interval-dist)/d)*(path->p[i].x-path->p[i-1].x);
336  points[numPoints].y = path->p[i-1].y +
337  ((interval-dist)/d)*(path->p[i].y-path->p[i-1].y);
338  centroid.x += points[numPoints].x;
339  centroid.y += points[numPoints].y;
340  numPoints++;
342  dist -= interval;
343  }
344  dist += d;
345  }
346  if (numPoints < DOLLARNPOINTS-1) {
347  /* SDL_SetError("ERROR: NumPoints = %i\n",numPoints); */
348  return 0;
349  }
350  /* copy the last point */
351  points[DOLLARNPOINTS-1] = path->p[path->numPoints-1];
352  numPoints = DOLLARNPOINTS;
354  centroid.x /= numPoints;
355  centroid.y /= numPoints;
357  /* printf("Centroid (%f,%f)",centroid.x,centroid.y); */
358  /* Rotate Points so point 0 is left of centroid and solve for the bounding box */
359  xmin = centroid.x;
360  xmax = centroid.x;
361  ymin = centroid.y;
362  ymax = centroid.y;
364  ang = (float)(SDL_atan2(centroid.y - points[0].y,
365  centroid.x - points[0].x));
367  for (i = 0; i<numPoints; i++) {
368  float px = points[i].x;
369  float py = points[i].y;
370  points[i].x = (float)((px - centroid.x)*SDL_cos(ang) -
371  (py - centroid.y)*SDL_sin(ang) + centroid.x);
372  points[i].y = (float)((px - centroid.x)*SDL_sin(ang) +
373  (py - centroid.y)*SDL_cos(ang) + centroid.y);
376  if (points[i].x < xmin) xmin = points[i].x;
377  if (points[i].x > xmax) xmax = points[i].x;
378  if (points[i].y < ymin) ymin = points[i].y;
379  if (points[i].y > ymax) ymax = points[i].y;
380  }
382  /* Scale points to DOLLARSIZE, and translate to the origin */
383  w = xmax-xmin;
384  h = ymax-ymin;
386  for (i=0; i<numPoints; i++) {
387  points[i].x = (points[i].x - centroid.x)*DOLLARSIZE/w;
388  points[i].y = (points[i].y - centroid.y)*DOLLARSIZE/h;
389  }
390  return numPoints;
391 }
393 static float dollarRecognize(const SDL_DollarPath *path,int *bestTempl,SDL_GestureTouch* touch)
394 {
395  SDL_FloatPoint points[DOLLARNPOINTS];
396  int i;
397  float bestDiff = 10000;
399  SDL_memset(points, 0, sizeof(points));
401  dollarNormalize(path,points);
403  /* PrintPath(points); */
404  *bestTempl = -1;
405  for (i = 0; i < touch->numDollarTemplates; i++) {
406  float diff = bestDollarDifference(points,touch->dollarTemplate[i].path);
407  if (diff < bestDiff) {bestDiff = diff; *bestTempl = i;}
408  }
409  return bestDiff;
410 }
413 {
414  SDL_GestureTouch *gestureTouch = (SDL_GestureTouch *)SDL_realloc(SDL_gestureTouch,
415  (SDL_numGestureTouches + 1) *
416  sizeof(SDL_GestureTouch));
418  if (!gestureTouch) {
419  return SDL_OutOfMemory();
420  }
422  SDL_gestureTouch = gestureTouch;
424  SDL_gestureTouch[SDL_numGestureTouches].numDownFingers = 0;
427  SDL_gestureTouch[SDL_numGestureTouches].numDollarTemplates = 0;
432  return 0;
433 }
435 static SDL_GestureTouch * SDL_GetGestureTouch(SDL_TouchID id)
436 {
437  int i;
438  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++) {
439  /* printf("%i ?= %i\n",SDL_gestureTouch[i].id,id); */
440  if (SDL_gestureTouch[i].id == id)
441  return &SDL_gestureTouch[i];
442  }
443  return NULL;
444 }
446 int SDL_SendGestureMulti(SDL_GestureTouch* touch,float dTheta,float dDist)
447 {
449  event.mgesture.type = SDL_MULTIGESTURE;
450  event.mgesture.touchId = touch->id;
451  event.mgesture.x = touch->centroid.x;
452  event.mgesture.y = touch->centroid.y;
453  event.mgesture.dTheta = dTheta;
454  event.mgesture.dDist = dDist;
455  event.mgesture.numFingers = touch->numDownFingers;
456  return SDL_PushEvent(&event) > 0;
457 }
459 static int SDL_SendGestureDollar(SDL_GestureTouch* touch,
460  SDL_GestureID gestureId,float error)
461 {
463  event.dgesture.type = SDL_DOLLARGESTURE;
464  event.dgesture.touchId = touch->id;
465  event.mgesture.x = touch->centroid.x;
466  event.mgesture.y = touch->centroid.y;
467  event.dgesture.gestureId = gestureId;
468  event.dgesture.error = error;
469  /* A finger came up to trigger this event. */
470  event.dgesture.numFingers = touch->numDownFingers + 1;
471  return SDL_PushEvent(&event) > 0;
472 }
475 static int SDL_SendDollarRecord(SDL_GestureTouch* touch,SDL_GestureID gestureId)
476 {
478  event.dgesture.type = SDL_DOLLARRECORD;
479  event.dgesture.touchId = touch->id;
480  event.dgesture.gestureId = gestureId;
481  return SDL_PushEvent(&event) > 0;
482 }
486 {
487  float x,y;
488  SDL_FloatPoint path[DOLLARNPOINTS];
489  int index;
490  int i;
491  float pathDx, pathDy;
492  SDL_FloatPoint lastP;
493  SDL_FloatPoint lastCentroid;
494  float lDist;
495  float Dist;
496  float dtheta;
497  float dDist;
499  if (event->type == SDL_FINGERMOTION ||
500  event->type == SDL_FINGERDOWN ||
501  event->type == SDL_FINGERUP) {
502  SDL_GestureTouch* inTouch = SDL_GetGestureTouch(event->tfinger.touchId);
504  /* Shouldn't be possible */
505  if (inTouch == NULL) return;
507  x = event->tfinger.x;
508  y = event->tfinger.y;
510  /* Finger Up */
511  if (event->type == SDL_FINGERUP) {
512  inTouch->numDownFingers--;
514 #ifdef ENABLE_DOLLAR
515  if (inTouch->recording) {
516  inTouch->recording = SDL_FALSE;
517  dollarNormalize(&inTouch->dollarPath,path);
518  /* PrintPath(path); */
519  if (recordAll) {
520  index = SDL_AddDollarGesture(NULL,path);
521  for (i = 0; i < SDL_numGestureTouches; i++)
522  SDL_gestureTouch[i].recording = SDL_FALSE;
523  }
524  else {
525  index = SDL_AddDollarGesture(inTouch,path);
526  }
528  if (index >= 0) {
529  SDL_SendDollarRecord(inTouch,inTouch->dollarTemplate[index].hash);
530  }
531  else {
532  SDL_SendDollarRecord(inTouch,-1);
533  }
534  }
535  else {
536  int bestTempl;
537  float error;
538  error = dollarRecognize(&inTouch->dollarPath,
539  &bestTempl,inTouch);
540  if (bestTempl >= 0){
541  /* Send Event */
542  unsigned long gestureId = inTouch->dollarTemplate[bestTempl].hash;
543  SDL_SendGestureDollar(inTouch,gestureId,error);
544  /* printf ("%s\n",);("Dollar error: %f\n",error); */
545  }
546  }
547 #endif
548  /* inTouch->gestureLast[j] = inTouch->gestureLast[inTouch->numDownFingers]; */
549  if (inTouch->numDownFingers > 0) {
550  inTouch->centroid.x = (inTouch->centroid.x*(inTouch->numDownFingers+1)-
551  x)/inTouch->numDownFingers;
552  inTouch->centroid.y = (inTouch->centroid.y*(inTouch->numDownFingers+1)-
553  y)/inTouch->numDownFingers;
554  }
555  }
556  else if (event->type == SDL_FINGERMOTION) {
557  float dx = event->tfinger.dx;
558  float dy = event->tfinger.dy;
559 #ifdef ENABLE_DOLLAR
560  SDL_DollarPath* path = &inTouch->dollarPath;
561  if (path->numPoints < MAXPATHSIZE) {
562  path->p[path->numPoints].x = inTouch->centroid.x;
563  path->p[path->numPoints].y = inTouch->centroid.y;
564  pathDx =
565  (path->p[path->numPoints].x-path->p[path->numPoints-1].x);
566  pathDy =
567  (path->p[path->numPoints].y-path->p[path->numPoints-1].y);
568  path->length += (float)SDL_sqrt(pathDx*pathDx + pathDy*pathDy);
569  path->numPoints++;
570  }
571 #endif
572  lastP.x = x - dx;
573  lastP.y = y - dy;
574  lastCentroid = inTouch->centroid;
576  inTouch->centroid.x += dx/inTouch->numDownFingers;
577  inTouch->centroid.y += dy/inTouch->numDownFingers;
578  /* printf("Centrid : (%f,%f)\n",inTouch->centroid.x,inTouch->centroid.y); */
579  if (inTouch->numDownFingers > 1) {
580  SDL_FloatPoint lv; /* Vector from centroid to last x,y position */
581  SDL_FloatPoint v; /* Vector from centroid to current x,y position */
582  /* lv = inTouch->gestureLast[j].cv; */
583  lv.x = lastP.x - lastCentroid.x;
584  lv.y = lastP.y - lastCentroid.y;
585  lDist = (float)SDL_sqrt(lv.x*lv.x + lv.y*lv.y);
586  /* printf("lDist = %f\n",lDist); */
587  v.x = x - inTouch->centroid.x;
588  v.y = y - inTouch->centroid.y;
589  /* inTouch->gestureLast[j].cv = v; */
590  Dist = (float)SDL_sqrt(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y);
591  /* SDL_cos(dTheta) = (v . lv)/(|v| * |lv|) */
593  /* Normalize Vectors to simplify angle calculation */
594  lv.x/=lDist;
595  lv.y/=lDist;
596  v.x/=Dist;
597  v.y/=Dist;
598  dtheta = (float)SDL_atan2(lv.x*v.y - lv.y*v.x,lv.x*v.x + lv.y*v.y);
600  dDist = (Dist - lDist);
601  if (lDist == 0) {dDist = 0;dtheta = 0;} /* To avoid impossible values */
603  /* inTouch->gestureLast[j].dDist = dDist;
604  inTouch->gestureLast[j].dtheta = dtheta;
606  printf("dDist = %f, dTheta = %f\n",dDist,dtheta);
607  gdtheta = gdtheta*.9 + dtheta*.1;
608  gdDist = gdDist*.9 + dDist*.1
609  knob.r += dDist/numDownFingers;
610  knob.ang += dtheta;
611  printf("thetaSum = %f, distSum = %f\n",gdtheta,gdDist);
612  printf("id: %i dTheta = %f, dDist = %f\n",j,dtheta,dDist); */
613  SDL_SendGestureMulti(inTouch,dtheta,dDist);
614  }
615  else {
616  /* inTouch->gestureLast[j].dDist = 0;
617  inTouch->gestureLast[j].dtheta = 0;
618  inTouch->gestureLast[j].cv.x = 0;
619  inTouch->gestureLast[j].cv.y = 0; */
620  }
621  /* inTouch->gestureLast[j].f.p.x = x;
622  inTouch->gestureLast[j].f.p.y = y;
623  break;
624  pressure? */
625  }
627  if (event->type == SDL_FINGERDOWN) {
629  inTouch->numDownFingers++;
630  inTouch->centroid.x = (inTouch->centroid.x*(inTouch->numDownFingers - 1)+
631  x)/inTouch->numDownFingers;
632  inTouch->centroid.y = (inTouch->centroid.y*(inTouch->numDownFingers - 1)+
633  y)/inTouch->numDownFingers;
634  /* printf("Finger Down: (%f,%f). Centroid: (%f,%f\n",x,y,
635  inTouch->centroid.x,inTouch->centroid.y); */
637 #ifdef ENABLE_DOLLAR
638  inTouch->dollarPath.length = 0;
639  inTouch->dollarPath.p[0].x = x;
640  inTouch->dollarPath.p[0].y = y;
641  inTouch->dollarPath.numPoints = 1;
642 #endif
643  }
644  }
645 }
647 /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */
DECLSPEC double SDLCALL SDL_cos(double x)
Definition: SDL_stdlib.c:70
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_PushEvent(SDL_Event *event)
Add an event to the event queue.
Definition: SDL_events.c:457
static unsigned long SDL_HashDollar(SDL_FloatPoint *points)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:107
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat h
Definition: glew.h:7294
DECLSPEC double SDLCALL SDL_fabs(double x)
Definition: SDL_stdlib.c:90
Sint64 SDL_TouchID
Definition: SDL_touch.h:41
#define NULL
Definition: ftobjs.h:61
#define SDL_RWwrite(ctx, ptr, size, n)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:188
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:116
static int SDL_AddDollarGesture_one(SDL_GestureTouch *inTouch, SDL_FloatPoint *path)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:163
#define PHI
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:47
static SDL_GestureTouch * SDL_GetGestureTouch(SDL_TouchID id)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:435
int SDL_SendGestureMulti(SDL_GestureTouch *touch, float dTheta, float dDist)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:446
int SDL_numGestureTouches
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:78
EGLSurface EGLint x
Definition: eglext.h:293
DECLSPEC void *SDLCALL SDL_realloc(void *mem, size_t size)
SDL_TouchID touchId
Definition: SDL_events.h:388
int32_t j
Definition: e_log.c:102
#define SDL_RWread(ctx, ptr, size, n)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:187
static int SDL_SendDollarRecord(SDL_GestureTouch *touch, SDL_GestureID gestureId)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:475
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:42
return Display return Display Bool Bool int d
Definition: SDL_x11sym.h:30
GLuint id
Definition: gl2ext.h:1142
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glew.h:5828
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:43
static float bestDollarDifference(SDL_FloatPoint *points, SDL_FloatPoint *templ)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:262
DECLSPEC double SDLCALL SDL_sin(double x)
Definition: SDL_stdlib.c:140
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_RecordGesture(SDL_TouchID touchId)
Begin Recording a gesture on the specified touch, or all touches (-1)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:93
void SDL_GestureProcessEvent(SDL_Event *event)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:485
int SDL_GestureAddTouch(SDL_TouchID touchId)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:412
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glew.h:1377
GLsizei GLsizei * length
Definition: gl2ext.h:792
FT_Error error
Definition: cffdrivr.c:407
SDL_bool recordAll
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:79
Sint64 SDL_GestureID
Definition: SDL_gesture.h:44
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SaveDollarTemplate(SDL_GestureID gestureId, SDL_RWops *src)
Save a currently loaded Dollar Gesture template.
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:147
static float dollarRecognize(const SDL_DollarPath *path, int *bestTempl, SDL_GestureTouch *touch)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:393
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glew.h:14938
DECLSPEC void *SDLCALL SDL_memset(void *dst, int c, size_t len)
Definition: SDL_string.c:261
SDL_GestureTouch * SDL_gestureTouch
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:77
static int dollarNormalize(const SDL_DollarPath *path, SDL_FloatPoint *points)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:301
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SetError(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: SDL_error.c:53
GLuint index
Definition: glew.h:1800
#define M_PI
Definition: os.h:45
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat x1
Definition: glew.h:11582
static int SDL_SendGestureDollar(SDL_GestureTouch *touch, SDL_GestureID gestureId, float error)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:459
EGLSurface EGLint EGLint y
Definition: eglext.h:293
#define SDL_OutOfMemory()
Definition: SDL_error.h:52
DECLSPEC void *SDLCALL SDL_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t len)
Definition: SDL_string.c:293
static int SDL_AddDollarGesture(SDL_GestureTouch *inTouch, SDL_FloatPoint *path)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:187
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_LoadDollarTemplates(SDL_TouchID touchId, SDL_RWops *src)
Load Dollar Gesture templates from a file.
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:207
GLfixed GLfixed x2
Definition: glext.h:4559
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:40
DECLSPEC double SDLCALL SDL_sqrt(double x)
Definition: SDL_stdlib.c:160
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint w
Definition: gl2ext.h:1215
uint16_t Uint16
An unsigned 16-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:137
General event structure.
Definition: SDL_events.h:495
static float dollarDifference(SDL_FloatPoint *points, SDL_FloatPoint *templ, float ang)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:246
GLuint GLdouble GLdouble GLint GLint const GLdouble * points
Definition: glew.h:3337
#define SDL_min(x, y)
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:244
GLenum src
Definition: glew.h:2396
DECLSPEC double SDLCALL SDL_atan2(double x, double y)
Definition: SDL_stdlib.c:40
int i
Definition: pngrutil.c:1377
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SaveAllDollarTemplates(SDL_RWops *src)
Save all currently loaded Dollar Gesture templates.
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:135
static int SaveTemplate(SDL_DollarTemplate *templ, SDL_RWops *src)
Definition: SDL_gesture.c:119
Uint32 type
Definition: SDL_events.h:497
cl_event event
Definition: glew.h:3556
SDL_TouchFingerEvent tfinger
Definition: SDL_events.h:517