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1 /*
2  Simple DirectMedia Layer
3  Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org>
5  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7  arising from the use of this software.
9  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16  appreciated but is not required.
17  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18  misrepresented as being the original software.
19  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
20 */
21 #include "SDL_config.h"
23 /*
24  Code to load and save surfaces in Windows BMP format.
26  Why support BMP format? Well, it's a native format for Windows, and
27  most image processing programs can read and write it. It would be nice
28  to be able to have at least one image format that we can natively load
29  and save, and since PNG is so complex that it would bloat the library,
30  BMP is a good alternative.
32  This code currently supports Win32 DIBs in uncompressed 8 and 24 bpp.
33 */
35 #include "SDL_video.h"
36 #include "SDL_endian.h"
37 #include "SDL_pixels_c.h"
39 #define SAVE_32BIT_BMP
41 /* Compression encodings for BMP files */
42 #ifndef BI_RGB
43 #define BI_RGB 0
44 #define BI_RLE8 1
45 #define BI_RLE4 2
46 #define BI_BITFIELDS 3
47 #endif
51 {
52  /* Check to see if there is any alpha channel data */
53  SDL_bool hasAlpha = SDL_FALSE;
55  int alphaChannelOffset = 0;
56 #else
57  int alphaChannelOffset = 3;
58 #endif
59  Uint8 *alpha = ((Uint8*)surface->pixels) + alphaChannelOffset;
60  Uint8 *end = alpha + surface->h * surface->pitch;
62  while (alpha < end) {
63  if (*alpha != 0) {
64  hasAlpha = SDL_TRUE;
65  break;
66  }
67  alpha += 4;
68  }
70  if (!hasAlpha) {
71  alpha = ((Uint8*)surface->pixels) + alphaChannelOffset;
72  while (alpha < end) {
73  *alpha = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE;
74  alpha += 4;
75  }
76  }
77 }
80 SDL_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWops * src, int freesrc)
81 {
82  SDL_bool was_error;
83  Sint64 fp_offset = 0;
84  int bmpPitch;
85  int i, pad;
87  Uint32 Rmask;
88  Uint32 Gmask;
89  Uint32 Bmask;
90  Uint32 Amask;
91  SDL_Palette *palette;
92  Uint8 *bits;
93  Uint8 *top, *end;
94  SDL_bool topDown;
95  int ExpandBMP;
96  SDL_bool correctAlpha = SDL_FALSE;
98  /* The Win32 BMP file header (14 bytes) */
99  char magic[2];
100  /* Uint32 bfSize = 0; */
101  /* Uint16 bfReserved1 = 0; */
102  /* Uint16 bfReserved2 = 0; */
103  Uint32 bfOffBits = 0;
105  /* The Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER struct (40 bytes) */
106  Uint32 biSize = 0;
107  Sint32 biWidth = 0;
108  Sint32 biHeight = 0;
109  /* Uint16 biPlanes = 0; */
110  Uint16 biBitCount = 0;
111  Uint32 biCompression = 0;
112  /* Uint32 biSizeImage = 0; */
113  /* Sint32 biXPelsPerMeter = 0; */
114  /* Sint32 biYPelsPerMeter = 0; */
115  Uint32 biClrUsed = 0;
116  /* Uint32 biClrImportant = 0; */
118  /* Make sure we are passed a valid data source */
119  surface = NULL;
120  was_error = SDL_FALSE;
121  if (src == NULL) {
122  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
123  goto done;
124  }
126  /* Read in the BMP file header */
127  fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(src);
128  SDL_ClearError();
129  if (SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 2) != 2) {
131  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
132  goto done;
133  }
134  if (SDL_strncmp(magic, "BM", 2) != 0) {
135  SDL_SetError("File is not a Windows BMP file");
136  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
137  goto done;
138  }
139  /* bfSize = */ SDL_ReadLE32(src);
140  /* bfReserved1 = */ SDL_ReadLE16(src);
141  /* bfReserved2 = */ SDL_ReadLE16(src);
142  bfOffBits = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
144  /* Read the Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER */
145  biSize = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
146  if (biSize == 12) {
147  biWidth = (Uint32) SDL_ReadLE16(src);
148  biHeight = (Uint32) SDL_ReadLE16(src);
149  /* biPlanes = */ SDL_ReadLE16(src);
150  biBitCount = SDL_ReadLE16(src);
151  biCompression = BI_RGB;
152  } else {
153  biWidth = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
154  biHeight = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
155  /* biPlanes = */ SDL_ReadLE16(src);
156  biBitCount = SDL_ReadLE16(src);
157  biCompression = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
158  /* biSizeImage = */ SDL_ReadLE32(src);
159  /* biXPelsPerMeter = */ SDL_ReadLE32(src);
160  /* biYPelsPerMeter = */ SDL_ReadLE32(src);
161  biClrUsed = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
162  /* biClrImportant = */ SDL_ReadLE32(src);
163  }
164  if (biHeight < 0) {
165  topDown = SDL_TRUE;
166  biHeight = -biHeight;
167  } else {
168  topDown = SDL_FALSE;
169  }
171  /* Check for read error */
172  if (SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetError(), "") != 0) {
173  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
174  goto done;
175  }
177  /* Expand 1 and 4 bit bitmaps to 8 bits per pixel */
178  switch (biBitCount) {
179  case 1:
180  case 4:
181  ExpandBMP = biBitCount;
182  biBitCount = 8;
183  break;
184  default:
185  ExpandBMP = 0;
186  break;
187  }
189  /* We don't support any BMP compression right now */
190  Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = Amask = 0;
191  switch (biCompression) {
192  case BI_RGB:
193  /* If there are no masks, use the defaults */
194  if (bfOffBits == (14 + biSize)) {
195  /* Default values for the BMP format */
196  switch (biBitCount) {
197  case 15:
198  case 16:
199  Rmask = 0x7C00;
200  Gmask = 0x03E0;
201  Bmask = 0x001F;
202  break;
203  case 24:
205  Rmask = 0x000000FF;
206  Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
207  Bmask = 0x00FF0000;
208 #else
209  Rmask = 0x00FF0000;
210  Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
211  Bmask = 0x000000FF;
212 #endif
213  break;
214  case 32:
215  /* We don't know if this has alpha channel or not */
216  correctAlpha = SDL_TRUE;
217  Amask = 0xFF000000;
218  Rmask = 0x00FF0000;
219  Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
220  Bmask = 0x000000FF;
221  break;
222  default:
223  break;
224  }
225  break;
226  }
227  /* Fall through -- read the RGB masks */
229  case BI_BITFIELDS:
230  switch (biBitCount) {
231  case 15:
232  case 16:
233  Rmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
234  Gmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
235  Bmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
236  break;
237  case 32:
238  Rmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
239  Gmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
240  Bmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
241  Amask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
242  break;
243  default:
244  break;
245  }
246  break;
247  default:
248  SDL_SetError("Compressed BMP files not supported");
249  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
250  goto done;
251  }
253  /* Create a compatible surface, note that the colors are RGB ordered */
254  surface =
255  SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, biWidth, biHeight, biBitCount, Rmask, Gmask,
256  Bmask, Amask);
257  if (surface == NULL) {
258  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
259  goto done;
260  }
262  /* Load the palette, if any */
263  palette = (surface->format)->palette;
264  if (palette) {
265  if (biClrUsed == 0) {
266  biClrUsed = 1 << biBitCount;
267  }
268  if ((int) biClrUsed > palette->ncolors) {
269  palette->ncolors = biClrUsed;
270  palette->colors =
271  (SDL_Color *) SDL_realloc(palette->colors,
272  palette->ncolors *
273  sizeof(*palette->colors));
274  if (!palette->colors) {
275  SDL_OutOfMemory();
276  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
277  goto done;
278  }
279  } else if ((int) biClrUsed < palette->ncolors) {
280  palette->ncolors = biClrUsed;
281  }
282  if (biSize == 12) {
283  for (i = 0; i < (int) biClrUsed; ++i) {
284  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].b, 1, 1);
285  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].g, 1, 1);
286  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].r, 1, 1);
287  palette->colors[i].a = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE;
288  }
289  } else {
290  for (i = 0; i < (int) biClrUsed; ++i) {
291  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].b, 1, 1);
292  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].g, 1, 1);
293  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].r, 1, 1);
294  SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].a, 1, 1);
296  /* According to Microsoft documentation, the fourth element
297  is reserved and must be zero, so we shouldn't treat it as
298  alpha.
299  */
300  palette->colors[i].a = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE;
301  }
302  }
303  }
305  /* Read the surface pixels. Note that the bmp image is upside down */
306  if (SDL_RWseek(src, fp_offset + bfOffBits, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
308  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
309  goto done;
310  }
311  top = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels;
312  end = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels+(surface->h*surface->pitch);
313  switch (ExpandBMP) {
314  case 1:
315  bmpPitch = (biWidth + 7) >> 3;
316  pad = (((bmpPitch) % 4) ? (4 - ((bmpPitch) % 4)) : 0);
317  break;
318  case 4:
319  bmpPitch = (biWidth + 1) >> 1;
320  pad = (((bmpPitch) % 4) ? (4 - ((bmpPitch) % 4)) : 0);
321  break;
322  default:
323  pad = ((surface->pitch % 4) ? (4 - (surface->pitch % 4)) : 0);
324  break;
325  }
326  if (topDown) {
327  bits = top;
328  } else {
329  bits = end - surface->pitch;
330  }
331  while (bits >= top && bits < end) {
332  switch (ExpandBMP) {
333  case 1:
334  case 4:{
335  Uint8 pixel = 0;
336  int shift = (8 - ExpandBMP);
337  for (i = 0; i < surface->w; ++i) {
338  if (i % (8 / ExpandBMP) == 0) {
339  if (!SDL_RWread(src, &pixel, 1, 1)) {
340  SDL_SetError("Error reading from BMP");
341  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
342  goto done;
343  }
344  }
345  *(bits + i) = (pixel >> shift);
346  pixel <<= ExpandBMP;
347  }
348  }
349  break;
351  default:
352  if (SDL_RWread(src, bits, 1, surface->pitch)
353  != surface->pitch) {
355  was_error = SDL_TRUE;
356  goto done;
357  }
359  /* Byte-swap the pixels if needed. Note that the 24bpp
360  case has already been taken care of above. */
361  switch (biBitCount) {
362  case 15:
363  case 16:{
364  Uint16 *pix = (Uint16 *) bits;
365  for (i = 0; i < surface->w; i++)
366  pix[i] = SDL_Swap16(pix[i]);
367  break;
368  }
370  case 32:{
371  Uint32 *pix = (Uint32 *) bits;
372  for (i = 0; i < surface->w; i++)
373  pix[i] = SDL_Swap32(pix[i]);
374  break;
375  }
376  }
377 #endif
378  break;
379  }
380  /* Skip padding bytes, ugh */
381  if (pad) {
382  Uint8 padbyte;
383  for (i = 0; i < pad; ++i) {
384  SDL_RWread(src, &padbyte, 1, 1);
385  }
386  }
387  if (topDown) {
388  bits += surface->pitch;
389  } else {
390  bits -= surface->pitch;
391  }
392  }
393  if (correctAlpha) {
394  CorrectAlphaChannel(surface);
395  }
396  done:
397  if (was_error) {
398  if (src) {
399  SDL_RWseek(src, fp_offset, RW_SEEK_SET);
400  }
401  SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
402  surface = NULL;
403  }
404  if (freesrc && src) {
405  SDL_RWclose(src);
406  }
407  return (surface);
408 }
410 int
411 SDL_SaveBMP_RW(SDL_Surface * saveme, SDL_RWops * dst, int freedst)
412 {
413  Sint64 fp_offset;
414  int i, pad;
416  Uint8 *bits;
418  /* The Win32 BMP file header (14 bytes) */
419  char magic[2] = { 'B', 'M' };
420  Uint32 bfSize;
421  Uint16 bfReserved1;
422  Uint16 bfReserved2;
423  Uint32 bfOffBits;
425  /* The Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER struct (40 bytes) */
426  Uint32 biSize;
427  Sint32 biWidth;
428  Sint32 biHeight;
429  Uint16 biPlanes;
430  Uint16 biBitCount;
431  Uint32 biCompression;
432  Uint32 biSizeImage;
433  Sint32 biXPelsPerMeter;
434  Sint32 biYPelsPerMeter;
435  Uint32 biClrUsed;
436  Uint32 biClrImportant;
438  /* Make sure we have somewhere to save */
439  surface = NULL;
440  if (dst) {
441  SDL_bool save32bit = SDL_FALSE;
442 #ifdef SAVE_32BIT_BMP
443  /* We can save alpha information in a 32-bit BMP */
444  if (saveme->map->info.flags & SDL_COPY_COLORKEY ||
445  saveme->format->Amask) {
446  save32bit = SDL_TRUE;
447  }
448 #endif /* SAVE_32BIT_BMP */
450  if (saveme->format->palette && !save32bit) {
451  if (saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 8) {
452  surface = saveme;
453  } else {
454  SDL_SetError("%d bpp BMP files not supported",
455  saveme->format->BitsPerPixel);
456  }
457  } else if ((saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 24) &&
459  (saveme->format->Rmask == 0x00FF0000) &&
460  (saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
461  (saveme->format->Bmask == 0x000000FF)
462 #else
463  (saveme->format->Rmask == 0x000000FF) &&
464  (saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
465  (saveme->format->Bmask == 0x00FF0000)
466 #endif
467  ) {
468  surface = saveme;
469  } else {
472  /* If the surface has a colorkey or alpha channel we'll save a
473  32-bit BMP with alpha channel, otherwise save a 24-bit BMP. */
474  if (save32bit) {
475  SDL_InitFormat(&format,
478 #else
480 #endif
481  );
482  } else {
484  }
485  surface = SDL_ConvertSurface(saveme, &format, 0);
486  if (!surface) {
487  SDL_SetError("Couldn't convert image to %d bpp",
488  format.BitsPerPixel);
489  }
490  }
491  }
493  if (surface && (SDL_LockSurface(surface) == 0)) {
494  const int bw = surface->w * surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
496  /* Set the BMP file header values */
497  bfSize = 0; /* We'll write this when we're done */
498  bfReserved1 = 0;
499  bfReserved2 = 0;
500  bfOffBits = 0; /* We'll write this when we're done */
502  /* Write the BMP file header values */
503  fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(dst);
504  SDL_ClearError();
505  SDL_RWwrite(dst, magic, 2, 1);
506  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
507  SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved1);
508  SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved2);
509  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);
511  /* Set the BMP info values */
512  biSize = 40;
513  biWidth = surface->w;
514  biHeight = surface->h;
515  biPlanes = 1;
516  biBitCount = surface->format->BitsPerPixel;
517  biCompression = BI_RGB;
518  biSizeImage = surface->h * surface->pitch;
519  biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
520  biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
521  if (surface->format->palette) {
522  biClrUsed = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
523  } else {
524  biClrUsed = 0;
525  }
526  biClrImportant = 0;
528  /* Write the BMP info values */
529  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSize);
530  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biWidth);
531  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biHeight);
532  SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biPlanes);
533  SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biBitCount);
534  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biCompression);
535  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSizeImage);
536  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biXPelsPerMeter);
537  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biYPelsPerMeter);
538  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrUsed);
539  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrImportant);
541  /* Write the palette (in BGR color order) */
542  if (surface->format->palette) {
543  SDL_Color *colors;
544  int ncolors;
546  colors = surface->format->palette->colors;
547  ncolors = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
548  for (i = 0; i < ncolors; ++i) {
549  SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].b, 1, 1);
550  SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].g, 1, 1);
551  SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].r, 1, 1);
552  SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].a, 1, 1);
553  }
554  }
556  /* Write the bitmap offset */
557  bfOffBits = (Uint32)(SDL_RWtell(dst) - fp_offset);
558  if (SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset + 10, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
560  }
561  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);
562  if (SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset + bfOffBits, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
564  }
566  /* Write the bitmap image upside down */
567  bits = (Uint8 *) surface->pixels + (surface->h * surface->pitch);
568  pad = ((bw % 4) ? (4 - (bw % 4)) : 0);
569  while (bits > (Uint8 *) surface->pixels) {
570  bits -= surface->pitch;
571  if (SDL_RWwrite(dst, bits, 1, bw) != bw) {
573  break;
574  }
575  if (pad) {
576  const Uint8 padbyte = 0;
577  for (i = 0; i < pad; ++i) {
578  SDL_RWwrite(dst, &padbyte, 1, 1);
579  }
580  }
581  }
583  /* Write the BMP file size */
584  bfSize = (Uint32)(SDL_RWtell(dst) - fp_offset);
585  if (SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset + 2, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
587  }
588  SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
589  if (SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset + bfSize, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
591  }
593  /* Close it up.. */
594  SDL_UnlockSurface(surface);
595  if (surface != saveme) {
596  SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
597  }
598  }
600  if (freedst && dst) {
601  SDL_RWclose(dst);
602  }
603  return ((SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetError(), "") == 0) ? 0 : -1);
604 }
606 /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */
#define BI_RGB
Definition: SDL_bmp.c:43
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_FreeSurface(SDL_Surface *surface)
Definition: SDL_surface.c:1053
DECLSPEC SDL_Surface *SDLCALL SDL_CreateRGBSurface(Uint32 flags, int width, int height, int depth, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
Definition: SDL_surface.c:35
int32_t Sint32
A signed 32-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:141
Definition: SDL_blit.h:39
Uint8 g
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:255
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition: glew.h:8736
#define NULL
Definition: ftobjs.h:61
#define SDL_RWwrite(ctx, ptr, size, n)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:188
Uint8 BytesPerPixel
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:277
Definition: SDL_rwops.c:654
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:116
EGLSurface surface
Definition: eglext.h:74
DECLSPEC void *SDLCALL SDL_realloc(void *mem, size_t size)
A collection of pixels used in software blitting.
Definition: SDL_surface.h:69
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SaveBMP_RW(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_RWops *dst, int freedst)
Definition: SDL_bmp.c:411
#define SDL_RWread(ctx, ptr, size, n)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:187
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glew.h:8736
Definition: SDL_endian.h:37
Uint8 b
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:256
#define bits
Definition: infblock.c:15
static void CorrectAlphaChannel(SDL_Surface *surface)
Definition: SDL_bmp.c:50
DECLSPEC const char *SDLCALL SDL_GetError(void)
Definition: SDL_error.c:204
DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_WriteLE32(SDL_RWops *dst, Uint32 value)
Definition: SDL_rwops.c:728
Definition: SDL_rwops.c:672
#define SDL_RWseek(ctx, offset, whence)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:185
DECLSPEC SDL_Surface *SDLCALL SDL_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc)
Definition: SDL_bmp.c:80
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint32 SDL_Swap32(Uint32 x)
Definition: SDL_endian.h:141
uint32_t Uint32
An unsigned 32-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:145
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_UnlockSurface(SDL_Surface *surface)
Definition: SDL_surface.c:786
struct SDL_BlitMap * map
Definition: SDL_surface.h:88
Uint8 r
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:254
GLenum GLenum dst
Definition: glew.h:2396
Definition: SDL_systhread.c:37
void * pixels
Definition: SDL_surface.h:75
Uint8 a
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:257
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_Error(SDL_errorcode code)
Definition: SDL_error.c:222
Uint8 BitsPerPixel
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:276
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 SDL_Swap16(Uint16 x)
Definition: SDL_endian.h:101
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum format
Definition: gl2ext.h:845
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SetError(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: SDL_error.c:53
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
Definition: SDL_string.c:910
DECLSPEC SDL_Surface *SDLCALL SDL_ConvertSurface(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_PixelFormat *fmt, Uint32 flags)
Definition: SDL_surface.c:804
GLclampf GLclampf GLclampf alpha
Definition: glew.h:1506
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat top
Definition: glew.h:13816
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_strncmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t maxlen)
Definition: SDL_string.c:926
int SDL_InitFormat(SDL_PixelFormat *format, Uint32 pixel_format)
Definition: SDL_pixels.c:519
Definition: SDL_bmp.c:46
#define SDL_OutOfMemory()
Definition: SDL_error.h:52
SDL_Color * colors
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:264
SDL_PixelFormat * format
Definition: SDL_surface.h:72
#define SDL_RWclose(ctx)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:189
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_ClearError(void)
Definition: SDL_error.c:212
uint8_t Uint8
An unsigned 8-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:129
DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_WriteLE16(SDL_RWops *dst, Uint16 value)
Definition: SDL_rwops.c:714
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glew.h:1392
#define RW_SEEK_SET
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:174
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble b
Definition: glew.h:8383
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: glew.h:1239
uint16_t Uint16
An unsigned 16-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:137
SDL_Palette * palette
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:275
GLenum src
Definition: glew.h:2396
static SceCtrlData pad
int i
Definition: pngrutil.c:1377
Definition: SDL_pixels.h:43
int64_t Sint64
A signed 64-bit integer type.
Definition: SDL_stdinc.h:150
#define SDL_RWtell(ctx)
Definition: SDL_rwops.h:186
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_LockSurface(SDL_Surface *surface)
Sets up a surface for directly accessing the pixels.
Definition: SDL_surface.c:765
SDL_BlitInfo info
Definition: SDL_blit.h:91
GLuint colors[3]
Definition: modern.h:25