The Watch
Volunteering to Help

"Charity ain't giving people what you wants to give, it's giving people what they need to get."

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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
"We believe without fail that our goal is within reach - but we can't get there without your support. Please join the fight today!"

Our organization is staffed completely by volunteers who help out on what can best be called an "if and when" basis. We realize that while the idea of being in the Watch is attractive to a small number of people, it's certainly not going to be something someone does all the time.

In order to become a Watch volunteer, you need to have an unused, unguilded alternate you can use, and an idea of how much time you can commit on a monthly basis. There is no level minimum, although for practical purposes, it's best that the alternate be level 10 or above to be most effective.

There is also no minimum amount of time a member is required to put in. We accept any help we can get!

Joining The Watch

The first step in joining the Watch is contacting an agent who can help you. Any member of the Watch from Rank 6 (Sergeant) and up can speak to you about joining and, when you're prepared to start, swear you in to the part of the service you're interested in joining. Each bureau has its own rules about how this will be done, set by the officer in charge, which will be explained to you when you ask.

Generally speaking, you'll speak to a few people, get your questions answered, and be briefed on what being a constable is like. We try to make this part go as fast as possible, so people aren't left hanging too long. We realize folks' time is valuable, and both you and we have things to do!

Membership Options

Once you join the Watch, you have to decide what you're actually going to do around here. That's going to be a function of your interest and time, and you have a few options.

Regular Members are what most people think of when they think of the Watch. These are the folks in the starting areas, meeting new guests, doing all the things that we do do. The actual depth of what a regular member does - from handing out bags to coordinating the efforts on whole continents - is a function of how much they want to take on after they clear their training period.

Community Support Officers are a special type of Watch volunteer who help out in some capacity, but don't go out and meet with the public. These are folks that manage our reserves, manufacture items for us to hand out, and perform other administrative or behind-the-scenes tasks.

Service Organization

Most people spend less than 20 hours per month on their Watch alternate, and so perfer to concentrate their efforts to help in an area they feel intimately familiar with and comfortable in. Partly to make it more convenient for them, the Service is divided into four bureaus, each corresponding to one of the four racial starting areas and led by an experienced officer.

There is also a "floating" detachment called the Irregulars, whose members just run all over the place as a sort of a go anywhere, do anything, ready force.

The structure of the Watch is designed to scale with its membership size up and down, with provisions for organization by Division (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms) and by Faction. When force size doesn't warrant the use of additional administrative layers, those ranks simply aren't used.

All of the ranks in the Watch have a specified function and expectations. Click here to see an explanation of the Watch's rank structure and responsibilities by rank.

Orientation and Training

Each bureau will have slightly different rules on what it takes before you move from Rookie to Constable, where you can function on your own. All of them will try and move you through the process as quickly as possible, though, dependent on your availability and willingness to learn.

Most training is done by apprenticing for a brief period under a more experienced agent, going on sorties at least two times, probably more, and demonstrating familiarity with the Watch's operating procedures guide, To Serve Man, found here.

Benefits of Service

Certain expenses incurred while on duty are reimbursible. For example, travel expenses, certain training costs, and pack cost.

Constables are also able to use a limited amount of money to defray the cost of repairing their gear from Watch funds.

Terms & Slang

Any member of the Watch that goes out and interacts with the public. This includes all of our volunteers except for Rookies and Community Support Officers.

One of the four racial starting areas. For the Alliance, these are Elwynn Forest (EL), Dun Morogh (DM), Teldrassil (TD), and Azuremyst Isle (AZ). For the Horde, these are Mulgore (MG), Durotar (DT), Trisfal Glades (TG), and the Eversong Woods (EV).

Court of Miracles
The Watch's headquarters building in Stormwind.

Good To Police. People or groups that are helpful to our members.

A contact with a guest who doesn't answer. More and more common as gold spammers become more widespread.

"The best index to a person's character is, how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back."

The Watch is gratefully sponsored by the actions of its members, and the kindness and charity of the following individuals and guilds:

Circle of Discord  Crafter  Fidelity  The Gold Dragonflight  Haze  Knights of Kegoroth  Lanza  Orlis  Pirates of Misfortune  Praesidium  Sarolas