The Watch
A Volunteer Public Service Organization for World of Warcraft

"Charity ain't giving people what you wants to give, it's giving people what they need to get."

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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
"We believe without fail that our goal is within reach - but we can't get there without your support. Please join the fight today!"

Welcome to the information page for the Watch!
Okay, it's like this.

On a game like this, people are out for whatever they can get. They'll cheerfully run over anything in their way to get it, too...sometimes accidentally, sometimes because it's the only power they have. And in the shuffle, the people really starting out get lost.

You see, by in large, nobody *cares* about people below level ten, unless they're dancing naked for peoples' sad amusement and the occasional silver. They're just not *useful* you see, and in a world where everyone's out for all they can get, that's the key. Nobody's going to care about you until you're useful to them. And those first few levels are awful for the person truly starting out. You don't know the most basic things - how do my powers work, where am I supposed to go - and they're certainly not equipped for survival from the get-go. And nobody cares.

Someone has to. Since there's no justice, there's us.

Latest Watch News

17 Jan 09:
Opened up Ward 5 (Wyrmrest Accord/Alliance), expanded volunteer and roster pages to reflect new elements.

06 Mar 09:
Ward 5 (Wyrmrest Accord/Alliance) hit the resource threshold and is now able to support guests
on at least a limited basis.

22 Apr 09:
Changed the banners and links to reflect the fact that it's NOT Christmas. The MJFF are "good people", and
can use all the help they can get.

09 Nov 09:
Beginning preparations to close down Ward 3 (Moon Guard/Alliance) and Ward 4 (Moon Guard/Horde)
after pre-Cataclysm by-election results. Full idle of Ward 3. Ward 4 assets to transfer to
WRA for establishment of a skeleton.

"The best index to a person's character is, how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back."

The Watch is gratefully sponsored by the actions of its members, and the kindness and charity of the following individuals and guilds:

Circle of Discord  Crafter  Fidelity  The Gold Dragonflight  Haze  Knights of Kegoroth  Lanza  Orlis  Pirates of Misfortune  Praesidium  Sarolas