you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ive been listening to this before I sleep at night.
its a song from a traditional hmong new years ceremony. the people involved wear these amazing costumes with small silver coins and trinkets sewn into them, and while one person sings, several others play a game where they throw a ball back and forth to one another, standing in two lines. thats what the silvery sound is, the sound of someone's costume as they catch and throw the ball.
the woman who sang this is great. and if you listen close during the second part, you can hear as one of the balls flies off and hits my friend ethan in the shoulder. as he picks up the ball and returns it to the woman who dropped it, there are whispered giggles and "thank you"s.


At 7:23 AM, Blogger Carrie Morris said...

sorry i havent posted in awhile, while im away im having a hard time uploading ANYTHING to my server space. BUT ive been posting pcitures on my flicker account, which you can access here. hope all is well and more after sept 3rd.


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