Picture of Neffie


Neffie (short for Nefertiti) was the first, and is therefore the queen of the clutter. If another cat has food that looks interesting to her, she will stride in and take it. We got Neffie from a newspaper advertisement for free kittens. She is a smallish cat, mostly black except for white socks, shirtfront, and some irregular face markings. Neffie is a cat with ATTITUDE. When she wants to go outside and you won't let her out, she gets angry, walks around the room growling at nothing in particular, and takes potshots at any cat or even human who happens to be in her way. She was recently a fat cat until I put her and Peggy (the two fat cats) on a diet. Now she is a beautiful, skinny cat. But still a beautiful, skinny cat with an ATTITUDE. She enjoys sitting or sleeping on people, but once she is situated, if her seat moves even slightly, she growls furiously. She really sounds menacing.

When we first got Neffie and Peggy, we lived in an old 1920's apartment building, which as a downside had a lot of silverfish. I hate silverfish. I am quite unsqueamish about most bugs, reptiles, and other things that make people nervous, but one thing that really gives me the shudders are centipede-looking things. This building had really big ones. The first summer we lived there was a nightmare. The second summer, we had two kittens who loved catching their own food. To this day, if you shout "Bug!!" she will begin scanning the walls. If you point it out to her she will hunt it down and eat it, although Kana has begun to eat her fair share of bugs too.

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You can write to Neffie care of: phyl@umich.edu
Last modified: September, 1996