Picture of Peggy


Peggy is the second cat of the household. (It's short for Pegasus.) She doesn't generally lord it over the cats beneath her. If they have food, she will wait until they are full or until they notice her waiting and move off in deference. If there is food with no cat attached yet, then of course she will take precedence over anyone but Neffie. In her interactions with humans, Peggy wants to cuddle and lie on her back and have her tummy rubbed. She purrs the loudest of all the cats. Peggy is a tabby cat, like Bert and Max. Peggy is just a lovable pudgy cat. Indoors, that is. Outside, however, is another story.

Outside, and this was true even when she was a fat cat, Peggy is a death machine. We bought Peggy from a pet store as a kitten and I wonder if she was a barn cat who had some instruction from her mother before she was sold into slavery. She can hunt better than any of our other cats. She leaves presents on the front porch. This practice has slowed a bit since I put bells on all the cats, however.

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You can write to Peggy care of: phyl@umich.edu
Last modified: September, 1996