The Gang

I've devoted this little page to my friends and all of their infinite subtlties, whatever that might mean. Rather then gush endlessly about them like I do to everybody, I'll just list them instead.
No introduction could be complete without first mentioning Benjamin Cottam, that irrelavant fool to whom I have had the distinct displeasure of knowing for so many years (going on 12 or something).
Due to her constant plethora of letters and cards, not to mention the occasional 7AM Saturday morning calls I suppose I must mention Angela "of UIUC" Kwan. She's a good soul but a bit too perky at times.
Girls seem to dominate this list, I've noticed, but then if you got to know Cindy Lee and
Samantha Chau then you would understand why.
I couldn't go about this page without making some reference to the oft sarcastic and somewhat psycho Elizabeth Yeung. Yet another one of us trying and trying for the magic MD title.
And then there's the globetrotting Dan Gordan, who continues to amaze us all by his backpacking and international expeditions.
Still can't spell his name to save my life, but here's the beginning of a Mariss Mednis page.
He went to med school first of all of us, so it's only fitting that Ashok Reddy get his own page.

Thank you for watching this episode of Friends, please head back to the Programming Center to view our other great comedies of life.