人类学出版物: 化石的冲击 考虑旧石器时代的辐形艺术样式 Bilzingsleben史前图表和几何  早旧石器时代的金黄比率
出版物、影片工作和艺术性的节目 在上古的时期 更新世的联合

Bilzingsleben 史前形象艺术

 由约翰 John Feliks (回到英语版本 Return to English) * 不可看见的汉字?(Cannot see the Chinese characters?)

这页的图暂挂中。 数据被防止了出版物自2006年以来; 在打印。


     "绝对卓著和惊人您独自显示出,这些原始人类认知和智力也许是命令完全地意想不到由惊人的我们大家... 你的是地标贡献,并且我最热忱地和恳切地祝贺您。"

- Robert Bednarik会议椅子,世界更新纪Palaeoart (Pleistocene Palaeoart of the World) 重点增加了。


        Bilzingsleben史前形象艺术是提供对早期的人民智力的一份两部分视觉节目和论文的第一个部分全新的透视例如" 人erectus (从北京的相似的古老人), " 人ergaster, " 穴居人的和" 人heidelbergensis"。 它包含早语言第一毫不含糊的几何和语言证明 Bilzingsleben史前形象艺术被提出了在世界会议的更新纪Palaeoart期间在XVth UISPP国会在里斯本,在2006年9月7日。 尝试阻拦出版物在国会的一个星期内开始了

        在过去的150年,早期的人被看待我们的等级较低者,无法创造艺术,抽象认为,甚至讲话。 在这两份文件(另一张纸下面是列出的),我显示出这张图片是不准确的,并且,早期的人例如人erectus是平等地聪明的,虽然我们是在today' s现代世界。 证据通过几何提供了表示,早期的人民有高度发展的语言和甚而数学能力400,000年前。 如果公众是愿意接受人erectus智力由轻微修改过的自然形状的石头暗示例如Berekhat公羊对象,则某它需要知道那里存在几何数据强制在 Bilzingsleben史前形象艺术。

        几何研究是几骨头板刻是从Bilzingsleben考古学开掘在中央德国的320,000-412,000岁。 Bilzingsleben是精妙被保存的人erectus居住考古学开掘。 考古学开掘的年龄日期是安全的。 它包含三个居住的结构遗骸与营火的在每个入口之外并且数以万计石头、骨头、鹿角和木人工制品。 它也包含至少二人erectus个体遗骸。 对标准观点的早期的人民, Bilzingsleben史前形象艺术的相反包括一个复杂视觉主题的第一几何证明在二不同人工制品复制了,明显地证明,早期的人例如人erectus完 成代表创造性的能力的高精度工作哪些与什么人民是可比较的是可胜任的今天。

        “考古学家将设法在书的每个把戏拒绝您的板刻的解释 对他们是完全地不能接受的他们是全错的关于这些人的认知能力您有在您旁边的科学议完全地falsifiable 大家可能重复您的实验,并且板刻在时间和空间被固定。 如果您的演算是正确的考古学家将被绊倒

显耀的国际当局2007年; 以后提出了5个月Bilzingsleben形象艺术& 金黄比率(强调是新的)


        The accolades on this page are included so that the reader may understand why there has been a sudden flood of bold statements from the scientific community regarding the intelligence or language capabilities of Homo erectus or Neanderthal people. These statements are being made despite the fact that the scholars making them are often doing so with evidence no more related to intelligence than quasi-language genes (e.g., FOXP2) or pecked holes in rock. Even where involving more direct language-related evidence such as prehistoric personal ornaments or the use of ocher (possible paint), the "up-graded" public statements of these researchers are being made with little more evidence than what they had five, ten, even 20 years ago. So, wherefrom the sudden influx of confidence? This is where the accolades come in. From the accolades the reader can readily discern that a sudden and convincing addition to the data regarding early human intelligence began immediately with The Graphics of Bilzingsleben.

        The Graphics of Bilzingsleben data has been circulating among scholars behind-the-scenes in Europe, Australia, and the United States while it has been simultaneously held back from public scrutiny. I.e. the scholars making bolder and bolder claims are aware of it; the general public is not. If it weren't for the fact that the influence of Graphics and its Part II, Phi in the Acheulian, have been showing up in the publications of other researchers both online and in academic journals without citation (including by those with privileged access to the data), I would have simply cherished these accolades privately. However, the matter has gone far past that now. In order to protect the primacy of my work from competitive researchers publishing material informed by Graphics and Phi without citing them, I have decided to share these accolades openly while at the same time taking on the cause of demonstrating to the public why it should question the integrity of various scientific institutions such as peer-review. 

如果现代科学有相信适当的正直是重要的: 主流科学怎么被捉住了并且不可能保卫

        The accolades are from international scholars in every field who have seen the data. Ironically, as one can readily deduce from the accolades, no scholars in any scientific discipline, including those who have studied the Bilzingsleben artifacts for more than 20 years, had ever made any of the observations that were presented in The Graphics of Bilzingsleben. The reason for this is clear enough: Most scientists are pre-committed to a standard Darwinian template and have been stuck in the obligatory mode of regarding Homo erectus as an "ape-man."

        For scientists to do other than regard Homo erectus as an ape-man would be too great a departure from the simplistic notion that everything, including human cognition, evolves gradually over time. The idea that human cognitive ability evolves gradually comes straight from Darwin's 1859 proclamation that each mental capability will be shown to have been necessarily acquired by "gradation" (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1859, page 488; a pivotal quotation in The Graphics of Bilzingsleben). Why would any scientifically-educated person question that statement? This is the whole point, they can't.

        The author, who has provided alternative explanations for early human intelligence for over 15 years has never published any material which adheres to the standard paradigm. However, since Homo erectus as an ape-man is a central premise in modern science, those who have long-adhered to this belief had no time to assimilate the new data presented in Graphics and could only respond by censorship while quickly scrambling to somehow alter their own publication course without citing either Graphics or Phi. Anyone in anthropology would like themselves to have made these discoveries, but that does not justify either blocking the original author's work from publication or assimilating and using it without reference to their source. Hence, the accolades are provided not only as a proper and deserving credit for The Graphics of Bilzingsleben but also as a springboard in bringing to public awareness a scientific institution in need of reform.

,抗辩和试验。 从当局的论据是不能接受的。"

- Carl Sagan -

        达尔文现在面对麻烦 not because of his theories but because the public is going to become aware that the once-trusted scientific community "representing" Darwin has consciously and deliberately blocked any data that might cause someone to question the simplistic notions it has been promoting to the public for over 100 years. This is especially critical in matters as important to many people as human origins. And no doubt the public has noticed that this promotion of simplistic and narrow-minded thinking is being done in an increasingly discourteous manner. Statements regarding the "ignorance" of religious people, for instance, or the acts of calling those who are expressing doubts about the standard paradigm names such as "pig-ignorant" or commenting on the physical appearance of such persons - each, by-the-way, attributable to renowned biologist Richard Dawkins - are going to come back to them by way of a massive challenge to the long-accepted axiom (definition 3) of "cognitive evolution." 由于达尔文有发言人, Dawkins,例如,代表他的遗产,他迅速是丢失的尊敬在意识到的那些人之中生活相当从未是简单的那; everything is always something else on a different level. And it is difficult to imagine how someone with easy access to all recorded knowledge, such as is the case with Dawkins, would be so lacking in imaginative scope or sense of variety in human experience or circumstance as to simultaneously campaign against the world's collective cultural heritage. But you see, this kind of campaign is often all that specialists are capable of doing. Give them a few sticks, and they're bonking religious people over the head; however, give them empirical geometric data contrary to their own belief system, and they run like rabbits. It is not the kind of science I loved and aspired to as a child. 



出席Bilzingsleben的史前形象艺术神经科学作者2006年; 早期引文2007年

     “Brilliant insights that scientists are often barred from, through the nature of their method.”

- Quote of the same neuroscience author as above arriving a mere two days later, early 2007

     “I find the data you presented in Lisbon of outstanding importance and believe that they must be published prominently.”

- Renowned international authority, engineer, early 2007


        Although The Graphics of Bilzingsleben was written (by request made to the author) for a scientific venue and for experts already familiar with the material, I hope that the visual geometric studies eventually offered on this page will enable anyone who is interested in the subject of human origins to see that the picture of early peoples so long promoted by the scientific community is false. In order to examine this material intelligently and with objective critical thinking, it is necessary for the reader to bypass entirely the agenda of a predisposed and practically unconscious scientific community. This is the community that blocks conflicting data from publication by means of a system known as "anonymous peer-review."

        The only form of peer-review acceptable for a paradigm which can never be tested in real time (e.g., over hundreds of thousands or millions of years) yet involves promotion of ideas as important to many as those regarding human origins is "open peer-review." In open peer review, reviewers, editors, and journals alike are held accountable for what they do or do not publish. It is well-known that those who block material from publication via "anonymous" peer review are often competitive researchers with their own agendas. These researchers often double as editors. The agendas are usually associated with standard popular views, trends, or fads regardless of logic or data. Open peer review assures that any agendas can be readily observed by the public. Exposure of an "agenda" would encourage the general public to reassess objectivity in what are touted as scientific journals and to reassess the degree of trust it should place in any proclemations issued from the scientific community.

        Open peer review is also a means by which the general public can examine the work quality of the reviewers themselves and determine whether or not they are actually qualified to block important data from publication. For example, a standard-school physical anthropologist is likely to know very little about the human creative process, and therefore may be inclined to block data demonstrating intelligence in early people as such data goes squarely against the tenets by which they had been trained. Open peer review also provides assurance that material initially blocked by a reviewer does not later show up in the work of that very reviewer without citation because a public reference already exists.

        Open peer review is a true self-correcting system that should be the mainstay of science. It encourages trust in science and does not foster the corruption known to exist in anonymous peer review. In a modern era where distrust of science is increasing (and for more reasons than anthropology), open peer review in matters as important as human origins will help to rekindle public trust in science. The public deserves better than a scientific community which they often financially support unwittingly which by secret means takes away from the world's citizens the right of critical thinking, especially when a scientific organization claims non-profit status; but this is exactly what science does when it withholds evidence from the public in an effort to promote its own agenda.


        The underlying premise of The Graphics of Bilzingsleben is that there has been no change whatsoever in human cognitive ability for at least 400,000 years. This statement is quite easily extended back at least 1.4 to 1.8 million years, and, in fact, to whatever point in time we choose to assign the first appearance of the genus Homo. The Graphics of Bilzingsleben, and more data waiting on deck, fully counters any popular science claims such as the "Flynn Effect," etc., that human intelligence has ever increased gradually over time. As noted above, the idea of cognitive evolution is a central axiom (definition 3) of modern anthropology.

        This leads to one more major problem regarding the effects of censorship. When objective data is censored in any scientific discipline, it is not only the general public that becomes unaware of its existence, but leading scholars in other disciplines as well. By censoring empirical data regarding early humans, the field of anthropology misleads not only the general public, but researchers in scientific disciplines outside of anthropology who have trusted that proclemations they thought confirmed their own belief systems (be they in biology, genetics, linguistics, psychology) had already been properly evaluated by anthropology and that they did not need to look into the data themselves. They were mistaken. The error is that of assuming that the most up-to-date evidence has been published and not censored by anthropology.

        Why is this error of assumption so important? It is important because the general idea of gradual evolution is increasingly being regarded as an "across-the-board axiom" applicable to almost anything in science. The Graphics of Bilzingsleben, however, by empirical means has demonstrated that at least one idea, the idea of gradual evolution as specifically regards human cognition, is false. Only scientists predisposed to a single simplistic view of reality would ignore falsifications produced in a field outside their specialty, for to do so means to ignore an important tempering device. Had Richard Dawkins the benefit of such tempering he would likely have made fewer statements about the ignorance of other people. So, in one sense, Dawkins' intolerance and lack of scope (we are talking about using biology as a means of devaluing important aspects of the world's "cultural" heritage, i.e. its color) is not really his own fault but the fault of those who have blocked publication of data which could perhaps, at least, have tempered the effects of something resembling fanaticism. In case the point is not clear, some of the most derogatory statements toward other people ever made by a scientist might likely not have been made were conflicting data available to expand Dawkins' template base.

        Darwinism has offered such an easy template that no one seems to believe innovative thinking is necessary in science anymore. An increasingly standard procedure in sciences such as anthropology is to simply apply the Darwinian template to whatever it is one is working on; and like use of the 2-4 drum beat in popular music this has the effect of automatically doubling one's opportunity to publish in the popular science paradigm. (No problem with the 2-4 beat, by the way, unless it somehow blocks from public awareness the fact that innumerable other beats exist, simultaneously, which bring color and variety to the world of music.) The question is, how could something like this have happened within a claimed "scientific" paradigm involving millions of years that can, admitted by everyone and all adherents alike, never be tested in real-time except by analogy? 

     “You show pretty unambiguously that those engravings [which are 400,000 years old]
are in no sense archaic.”

- International authority in the history of art and philosophy, 2006


Abstract: In 1988, Dietrich and Ursula Mania published images of unmistakably deliberate engravings on bone artifacts dated between 320,000-412,000 years BP, found near the village of Bilzingsleben in central Germany. Contrary to traditional notions of early peoples, Mania and Manias’ preliminary interpretations suggested that these markings implied the existence of advanced human traits, which included abstract thinking, language, and a “concept of the world.” In this presentation, I will demonstrate that the Bilzingsleben markings go well beyond these already stunning assertions, and document a very large number of graphic innovations and highly advanced intellectual traits in Homo erectus, innovations and traits that have long been regarded the exclusive domain of Homo sapiens. In fact, the artifacts contain so much information that, collectively, they constitute nothing less than a detailed and expansive map directly into the extraordinary mind of this early ancestor. I will demonstrate that the markings reflect graphic skills far more advanced than those of the average modern Homo sapiens. A new list of qualities, abilities, and innovations which must now be credited to Homo erectus, and which are directly indicated by the markings includes: abstract and numeric thinking; rhythmic thinking; ability to duplicate not only complex, but also, subtle motifs; iconic and abstract representation; exactly duplicated subtle angles; exactly duplicated measured lines; innovative artistic variation of motifs including compound construction, doubling, diminution, and augmentation; understanding of radial and fractal symmetries; impeccably referenced multiple adjacent angles; a­­­nd absolute graphic precision by high standard and, practically, without error. Each of these will be demonstrated visually. Hence, the following advanced cognitive qualities may be quite easily assumed for the species Homo erectus by way of geometric analogy: interrelationship sensitivity and complex organizational skill; language; use of metaphor and hidden meaning; philosophy; mysticism or other “spiritual” perspectives; and a general ability to discern, appreciate, and create the most subtle nuance within any area of intellectual endeavor.

Keywords: Cognitive Archaeology - Bilzingsleben - Bach - Linguistics - Cartography

Feliks, J. 2009 (in press). The graphics of Bilzingsleben: Sophistication and subtlety in the mind of Homo erectus. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR International Series, Oxford.

     Utterly brilliant.”

Here is the quote in context: “I have consulted various people… there is complete agreement that your innovative evaluation of the Bilzingsleben engravings is utterly brilliant.”

Collective conclusion of many scholars with backgrounds in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, archaeology, and engineering, 2007, five months after presentation. Scholars had copy of 8-page thumbnails handout with all 112 slides.


1.) Introduction
2.) Presentation of Material
3.) Influences and Position in a Larger System
4.) Disclaimers and Nomenclature

a.) FIGURE 1: Artifacts 1-3
b.) FIGURE 2: Artifacts 3-6
c.) FIGURE 3: Proposed Early Straight Edge
d.) FIGURE 4: Straight Edge Theory and the "Realm of Ideas"
- Significance of Straight Edge Theory -

a.) FIGURE 5: Duplication of size and angles in totally different contexts
b.) FIGURE 6: Interpreting two-dimensional motifs in three dimensions
c.) FIGURE 7: Final proofs of duplication via superimposition
- Significance of the Earliest Motif Duplicated on Two Separate Artifacts -

a.) FIGURE 8: 350,000 years before Bach
- Significance of 350,000 Years before Bach -

a.) FIGURE 9: Fractal angle symmetry
b.) FIGURE 10: Numbering system for the radial motif of Artifact 2
c.) FIGURE 11: Three-level self-similarity fractal characterized by parallels in thirds
d.) FIGURE 12: The earliest completely abstract 2-dimensional shape
e.) FIGURE 13: Proof of association between a complex graphic and an abstract point
f.) FIGURE 14: Proof of association between an abstract point and infinity
- Significance of Toward the Realm of Ideas -

a.) FIGURE 15: Putting a face on the Lower Palaeolithic
- Significance of Who Were the People of Bilzingsleben?

a.) FIGURE 16: When a map is a 3D fractal
- Significance of When a Map is a 3D Fractal


     Will take time to absorb. Looks remarkable.

- Internationally-renowned linguist and 50-year bestselling author

     “This is very exciting! I think the only thing you might have to fight is the erectus-heidelbergensis issue. But in comparison to what you have demonstrated here, that is not important at all.” 

- Physical anthropology expert and author attending The Graphics of Bilzingsleben
, paraphrase of direct comment


This information is being posted only because the Graphics presentation and/or thesis paper have been held back from publication for two years while changing hands numerous times and going between Europe, Australia, and the United States. Unfortunately, some of this material or motivation and confidence derived from the author's work (Graphics & Phi) has already shown up on the web and in academic journals without citation of the original sources. This, of course, is part of the reason that international copyright exists. Scholars need to have confidence that material being considered for publication remains in confidential trust and that once it is published any work which is based on that material or inspired by it will cite the original source:

Registered 2006: http://bulk.resource.org/copyright/hids/hid_17/hid_17850500-17850799.txt [Txu 1-323-001: Two Visual Thesis Programs (112 slides, Thumbnails Handout): 1.) The Graphics of Bilzingsleben, 2.) Phi in the Acheulian. U. S. Copyright Office]

Registered 2007: http://bulk.resource.org/copyright/hids/hid_20/hid_20849600-20849899.txt [Txu 1-350-724: Publication Materials for the Lisbon Programs: 1.) The Graphics of Bilzingsleben (in thesis form), 2.) Phi in the Acheulian (in thesis form), 3.) Publication Addendum, 4.) Copy of the original Thumbnails Handout. U. S. Copyright Office]


Feliks, J. 1998. The impact of fossils on the development of visual representation. Rock Art Research 15: 109-34.

Feliks, J. 2006. Musings on the Palaeolithic fan motif. In P. Chenna Reddy (ed.), Exploring the mind of ancient man: Festschrift to Robert G. Bednarik, 249-66. Research India Press, New Delhi.

Feliks, J. 2008. Phi in the Acheulian: Lower Palaeolithic intuition and the natural origins of analogy. In Bednarik, R. G. and D. Hodgson (eds), Pleistocene palaeoart of the world, pp. 11-31. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR International Series 1804, Oxford.

Feliks, J. 2009. A Lot of Gold in the Mix: Review of Fragment from a Nonfiction Reader. Pre-publication review of the debut science thriller by Warren Fahy (see quotation on the author's review page under FRAGMENT: Reviews).


       约翰Feliks是一位独立学者并且学习早人的认知15年。 与科学一起,他提供根据在艺术的一个广泛背景的里面透视。 Feliks最近的工作介入" 拉人erectus" 并且其他早期的人民语言和数学能力。 早期的人民的能力他们的史前板刻等等的,由几何分析显示; 也观察找出得这些地理上的地方和石头工具。 总计, Feliks研究对比著名标准模型相信长接受的人类智力能力逐渐演变。 它建议早期的人民例如" 拉人erectus" (例子: 从北京的相似的年龄人),穴居人的等等,一样可胜任象任何人生活在现代世界上。


       这史前形象艺术只页是新和在发展过程中; 因此喜欢耐心,它审阅在字词或布局上的变化。 我希望很快得到主要网站在运作。 网站将提供数百项系统的几何研究; 研究导致了在十五年期间,并且他们显示出,早期的人民例如" 拉人erectus" 并且穴居人的有艺术性和智力能力相等与我们自己。 网站在里斯本也将提供从二个节目的确切的彩色幻灯片被提出在XVth UISPP国会, 2006年9月7日。


       在这页头的图象是原创艺术品由约翰・ Feliks。 它正看起来这里作为Bilzingsleben史前形象艺术"的,顶头图片使用了; 8页图片赠送品, " 哪些被散布了在XVth UISPP国会和给引文在这页看的学者。 本文的出版版本,然而,包括主要几何研究,不会包含图象例如此。

E-mail: feliks (at) umich.edu
最近更新2009年12月21日。 © John Feliks 2009