人类学出版物: 化石的冲击 考虑旧石器时代的辐形艺术样式 Bilzingsleben史前图表和几何  早旧石器时代的金黄比率
出版物、影片工作和艺术性的节目 在上古的时期 更新世的联合


由约翰 John Feliks (回到英语版本 Return to English) *不可看见的汉字?(Cannot see Chinese characters?) 这里全文html





摘要: 在 大多数这个过去世纪期间,学者教更加早期的人比35,000年是下等对现代人。 然而,早期的人的编年史进行剧烈的修正。 能力一次归因于只有现代人现在是能力被追踪对更加早期的时期和我们的古老祖先, " 人的erectus" (从北京的相似的古代人)。 在这转折的主要突破是一个图表标号主题,本质上“辐形”主题,开始被开发, "的罗伯特Bednarik的理论; 人的erectus, " 早在350,000年前。 为更低旧石器时代,我不仅支持Bednarik理论,但是我为语言和自我意识的连接的观察也提供证据。 本文包括七个图。 图1在考古学纪录在辐形主题上展示原始人类的兴趣如见证。 图2至5建议及早已知的辐形主题与古老Bilzingsleben人民相关是许多,质量和一贯性。 终于,图6和7连接辐形主题到扩张人的手。 我建议早兴趣在辐形主题上是对手的熟悉提示的象征主义和人的自我意识的标志。


Feliks, J. 2006. Musings on the Palaeolithic fan motif. In P. Chenna Reddy (ed.), Exploring the mind of ancient man: Festschrift to Robert G. Bednarik, 249-66. Research India Press, New Delhi.

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       tn_musings-p260-feliks06.jpg*Musings on the Palaeolithic Fan Motif is one of four thesis papers offering a completely new perspective regarding early peoples such as Homo erectusHomo ergaster, Neanderthals, and Homo heidelbergensis. It was a "requested" paper first submitted for review and publication on August 9, 2004. This page shows five of the paper's seven figures. Click on each thumbnail for an enlarged view. You can then click on that image for an even larger image showing more detail.

Here are a few important discoveries that were first presented in Musings on the Palaeolithic Fan Motif:

1.) 'Straight edge theory.' The engraved bone artifacts of Bilzingsleben have long been known to feature straight lines. Until the proofs offered in Musings on the Palaeolithic Fan Motif, however, no one had considered the possibility that these lines might have been created with a straight edge. This is because of the long-time working assumption in anthropology that the engravers, Homo erectus, were essentially ape-men unable even to speak, let alone use a straight edge. The proofs for straight edge use (图2 and 3 above, and 4 & 5 to the right) are unambiguous and are characterized by perfectly-referenced and perfectly-straight radial lines.

        The figures for Straight edge theory were deliberately set up so that the reader could instantly test the radial lines for themselves right on the printed page, thus bypassing the need to be either convinced or unconvinced by any scholarly argument or argument from authority. Prior to these studies, all writers in anthropology - without exception - have referred to the lines on Bilzingsleben Artifact 2, for instance, as "parallel" lines. The straight edge test shows that the lines are, in fact, "radial" lines referenced to a point well away from the artifact itself (2 above).

        The straight edge engravings from Bilzingsleben are securely dated 320,000-412,000 years old and show that just because an engraved line is ancient we can no longer simply assume that it was necessarily done freehand. Resistance to straight edge theory, especially in this year of Darwin, is due in large part to the fact that use of a straight edge is proof of unambiguously sophisticated behavior. In and of itself, and without need of any other evidence except its already-established association with the remains of Homo erectus, use of a straight edge demonstrates completely modern intelligence 400,000 years ago. In other words, straight edge theory demonstrates that there has been no change whatsoever in human cognitive ability for at least 400,000 years.

        The final proofs of straight edge use in these artifacts were presented at the XVth UISPP Congress in Lisbon, September 7, 2006 during the Pleistocene Palaeoart of the World session in a program called The Graphics of BilzingslebenCensorship of these uncontested final proofs began within one week of the Congress. The data, which has been studied by scientists in every field (archaeology, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics), as well as by engineers in Europe, the United States, and Australia, has been held back from the public for two and a half years while those who have had privileged access to the data have been quickly altering their publication course both online and in print without citing Musings on the Palaeolithic fan motif or its follow-up, The Graphics of Bilzingsleben.

How straight edge use by Homo erectus proves early language
and representation:

       Any line engraved with the aid of a straight edge is directly symbolic of the straight edge itself, being a "representation" of the edge.

'The earliest motif duplicated on two separate artifacts.' This is the first unambiguous geometric and linguistic proof of early language (3 above). tn_musings-p261-feliks06.jpgDuplicated motifs (such as written or spoken words) are the hallmark of language. Prior to recognizing these two motifs as either duplicates or variations of each other, most proponents of early language used unrelated references to "infer" language in early peoples, e.g., "If they could get from here to there then they must have had language," or "If they had the right vocal tract or the right genetic traits, they probably had a simple language." The association between these two motifs and similar associations between other motifs at Bilzingsleben were fully demonstrated with final and unambiguous proofs in the censored data presented in The Graphics of Bilzingsleben.

3.) 'Representation of angles theory.' Angles represented in the bone engravings from Bilzingsleben are shown to revolve around those angles most commonly observed by everyone both past and present, namely, those of the outstretched human hand (6 at right). The point is made that the engravings do not necessarily represent the human hand per se but rather an awareness of the abstract concept of angles. The case is made that signs of abstraction in the early archaeological record may say more about the intellectual capabilities of early people than the more quickly-understood forms of iconic representation. 


Feliks, J. 1998. The impact of fossils on the development of visual representation. Rock Art Research 15: 109-34. (这里中国版本页)

Feliks, J. 2006. Phi in the Acheulian: Lower Palaeolithic intuition and the natural origins of analogy. In Bednarik, R. G. and D. Hodgson (eds), Pleistocene palaeoart of the world, pp. 11-31. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR International Series 1804, Oxford.

Feliks, J. 2009. A Lot of Gold in the Mix: Review of Fragment from a Nonfiction Reader. Pre-publication review of the debut science thriller by Warren Fahy (see quotation on the author's review page under FRAGMENT: Reviews).

Feliks, J. 2009 (in press). The graphics of Bilzingsleben: Sophistication and subtlety in the mind of Homo erectus. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), BAR International Series, Oxford. (这里中国版本页)

(BAR is British Archaeological Reports.)


        约翰Feliks是一位独立学者并且学习早人的认知15年。 与科学一起,他提供根据在艺术的一个广泛背景的里面透视。 Feliks最近的工作介入" 拉人erectus" 并且其他早期的人民语言和数学能力。 早期的人民的能力他们的史前板刻等等的,由几何分析显示; 也观察找出得这些地理上的地方和石头工具。 总计, Feliks研究对比著名标准模型相信长接受的人类智力能力逐渐演变。 它建议早期的人民例如" 拉人erectus" (例子: 从北京的相似的年龄人),穴居人的等等,一样可胜任象任何人生活在现代世界上。


       这沉思只页是新和在发展过程中; 因此喜欢耐心,它审阅在字词或布局上的变化。 我希望很快得到主要网站在运作。 网站将提供数百项系统的几何研究; 研究导致了在十五年期间,并且他们显示出,早期的人民例如" 拉人erectus" 并且穴居人的有艺术性和智力能力相等与我们自己。 网站在里斯本也将提供从二个节目的确切的彩色幻灯片被提出在XVth UISPP国会, 2006年9月7日。

E-mail: feliks (at) umich.edu
最近更新2009年12月6日。 © John Feliks 2009