you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My dog and I went to our friend’s house last night to have pizza and beer and help them move. We had the pizza and beer, but never got to moving anything.

I was glad I could bring my dog, They said they were excited to have a puppy in the house. It was nice to sit there and just enjoy each other’s company. Me and them and the dog. We had a great time.
It makes me think of times when I am thinking about calling someone, but I don’t because I cant figure out exactly what I want to say or why I’m calling. But I still want to call. Sometimes I only want to hear that person’s voice and to be in their company for awhile.
One time I called my friend Kelly while she was at work just so I could listen to her ring up customers. She put the phone down with the understanding that I just wanted to be near her for a little while, and that the phone was the only way I could get there. That I needed to hear her voice, even if it was just repeating mundane phrases.
I was worried that she thought I was a freak for just listening to her, but that’s one of the best phone conversations that I ever had. Ever.
I don’t know why, or exactly what, I get or give from that phone call. But I guess what I’m trying to say is that sometimes it doesn’t have to be as official as all that. Sometimes I can just call because. Like stopping by. In my hometown, people just stop by sometimes. And it’s not considered rude. It’s really nice.


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