you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Friday, March 31, 2006

i've been sick.
everyone's been sick.
some people say it's the high pollen count.

i've never had allergies.

the other day i had a sharp sore throat. then the next day i was super tired. then the next day i was raspy, and it was like i had a runny nose, but coming out of my eyes instead.
it was really gross. good thing i was assistant teaching that day for a lecture about the performance artist Orlan. She achieved much media attention in the early 90's with her broadcasted plastic surgery footage, but lately she's been getting quite a bit of film work in europe.
her lecture and the deline of my physical being seemd to be thematically tied together somehow.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger tali said...

carrie, the next time there's a lecture about any crazy performance artist woman you have to let me know!
especially if they get surgery compulsively and are obsessed with beauty standards! know what i mean!


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