Daniel Vial

I completed my Ph.D. and left Michigan so this site will no longer be updated. My new site is https://sites.google.com/view/danielvial/home.

I'm a Ph.D. candidate in ECE at Michigan, working under Vijay Subramanian. My research leverages tools from probability theory and computer science to gain insights into massive networks, such as social networks and the Internet. This includes development of algorithms useful for tasks like friend recommendation and Internet search, analysis of mathematical models for the spread of fake news on social media platforms, and other topics.

My email is dvial AT umich DOT edu. My CV can be found here.


Ph.D. Electrical Engineering: Systems, University of Michigan, 2020 (expected).

M.S. Electrical Engineering: Systems, University of Michigan, 2017.

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Iowa, 2014.


D. Vial, V. Subramanian, "Restart perturbations for lazy, reversible Markov chains: trichotomy and pre-cutoff equivalence." Preprint, slides.

D. Vial, V. Subramanian, "Local non-Bayesian social learning with stubborn agents." Preprint; abstract and talk (EC 2019); slides.

D. Vial, V. Subramanian, "A structural result for Personalized PageRank and its algorithmic consequences." Paper (POMACS); abstract (SIGMETRICS 2019); slides.

D. Vial, V. Subramanian, "On the role of clustering in Personalized PageRank estimation." Preprint (accepted to TOMPECS).

D. Vial, V. Subramanian, "Towards fast algorithms for estimating Personalized PageRank using commonly generated random walks." Abstract (Allerton 2016).