An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics

Note: only corrections that may lead to misunderstandings are listed on this page. A record of minor corrections (such as spelling errors) is kept elsewhere. We would greatly appreciate hearing about errors in interpretation, need for clarification and typos that you have found.

Please email your comments to Ben van der Pluijm (local program, remote form).

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
End of last paragraph. "... to a horizontal surface in the salt layer on either side of the dome is greater than the weight of the column penetrating the top of the dome ......" (not "... is less than ...")

Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Figure 4.9 and corresponding text. The kinematic vorticity number for general shear is: 0<Wk<1, not 0>Wk>1.
Figure 4.30. The strain values plotted in the diagram are incorrect; click here for correct figure 4.30 (FIG430.gif) or see original in Pfiffner and Ramsay, J Geoph. Res., 87, p.319.

Chapter 5
The real story on flow of old window glass.  Glass does not flow to the bottom of window panes on the time scale of decades to centuries.  As reported in a recent Science News, the use of glass as an analogy for ductile flow is wrong.  Glass will not flow unless heated to about 350°C. Unless it's heated, it would take 1032y to sag.  Apparently, the old technology of making window panes involved blowing a big globe of glass, which was then flattened into a disk and spun to make it flatter.  Due to the spinning, the glass developed whirls and became thicker on the outside.  It was then cut into rectangles. Glaziers would put the thicker part of the glass at the bottom of the pane for stability. Check for a punishing commentary that seems to have missed this early 1998 correction.
Click here (chapter5table6.gif) for new Table 5.6.

Chapter 6
Remove references in text to Figure 6.1b and Figure 6.1c.
Stress concentration is (2a/b)+1, rather than (2a+1)/b; examples at end of paragraph remain correct.
Figure 6.20.  The horizontal axis plots 90-a (=q), rather than a (alpha) as defined in inset figure.
Replacing st (tensile stress) in equations 6.1 and 6.3 with sc (critical stress) better clarifies the difference between remote and local stress.  Also note that equation 6.1 can be simplified by a plane stress condition, which replaces E/(1-v)2 by E.
In Figure 6.27, add a plane D at an angle of ~10o with the compression direction, which represent the lower intercept of the friction envelopw with the Mohr circle (~160o).

Chapter 7
p. 134-135
Sheeting joints and exfoliation joints (in Figure 7.15) are used as synonyms, but are not listed as such in Table 7.1.

Chapter 8
Figure 8.10.  The location of the flat on the left side side of (a) should be at the base of the layers to correspond with the thrust geometry in (b).
Figure 8.15.  The photo in (b) shows gouge (not gorge).
Figure 8.23.  This photograph, showing uplifted basement rocks in the center surrounded by younger sedimentary rocks, was printed backward.  A nice example of an uplifted basement ridge in a restraining stepover (Borrego Mountain) was provided by Art Sylvester.

Chapter 9
medium-temperature conditions are as 0.3>Th>0.7 (not Tm).
Figure 9.6, caption. Freudian typo: John Suppe wrote a book on Structural Geology (not Structural Biology).
Figure 9.15. Width of view is 5 cm (not 5 mm).

Chapter 10
References to Figure 10.24a, Figure 10.24b, and Figure 10.24c should be Figure 10.24b, Figure 10.24c, and Figure 10.24d, respectively.
the discussion is clarified by substituting wavelength (L) for arc length in this section (as defined in Fig. 10.4).  The 2nd sentence of p. 228, "Because arc length ....... fold analysis", can then be removed.

Chapter 11
section 11.3.4 reference to Figure 11.9d should be Figure 11.9.

Chapter 12
Figure 12.18. Strain ellipse in (c) should have perpendicular Xf and Zf axes.  For corrected figure, click here (12_18.jpg).

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15
Figure 15.4.  Beta is defined incorrectly.  Should be: b=ls/lu.
2nd paragraph. "As a consequence, the 1280oC isotherm migrates to greater depth (i.e., the lithosphere thickens), so there is a greater thickness of cooler, denser lithosphere" (not lower).

Chapter 16

Chapter 17
Equation 17.2 should read: ss = C + msn*  and refers to Section 6.7, equation 6.4.

Chapter 18

Chapter 19
19.3, p. 416
1st paragraph: "The Tibetan Plateau stands between about 4000 and 5000 m in elevation ........" (not 400 and 500 m).

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