How to Join

Service-learning Course

Students wishing to participate in the RUSLAN course should enroll in Russian 316/616/RCLang 333 – 3 credits during the Fall or Winter semesters. Students should also fill out the online questionnaire to help determine their job placement.


Students may apply for an internship (email to Alina Makin: and enroll in Russian 315/RCCore 309 (1-4 credits, indepedent off-campus study). The application deadline is August 1 for Fall term and December 1 for Winter term.

Alternative Spring Break in Provincial Russia

The application deadline for the Winter 2010 Alternative Spring Break is December 14, 2009. Below is the necessary paperwork:

Applicants, once accepted, will be contacted by Alina Makin for the next steps.

1-day Service Opportunities

If you are interested in participating in food/gift distribution and other occasional volunteer opportunities, email Alina Makin ( to get on the listserv of volunteers. You will be emailed with details about each event for which volunteers are needed.