Patrice Etoungou

Patrice Etoungou is particularly interested in notions of environmental and social justice in the context of forest management in his native Cameroon. His work, a strong a strong critique of the Community Forest projects that attempt to foster decentralization of forest management in Cameroon, has exposed many of the obstacles and ironies that movement faces in the equatorial African context. . A graduate of the Catholic University of Yaounde, he has completed a DEA degree at Laboratoire ERMES at University of Orleans, under the direction of SRN members Serge Bahuchet, Alain Froment, and Rebecca Hardin, among others. He has published a book entitled Au Coeur de la Foret sans Arbre: les Paysans Trahise (The heart of the forest without trees: peasants betrayed). He has also authored a working paper under the auspices of the World Resources Institute in Washington D.C., with input from network member Jesse Ribot who directs a pan-African research initiative on decentralization of environmental management. Patrice did much communication and translation work for SRN to support himself through the DEA degree. He is currently completing his Ph.D. thesis at Orleans. SRN would like to thank members Philippe Auzel and Alain Froment for facilitating our support of Patrice.


Rebecca Hardin
Associate Professor
School of Natural Resources and Environment
University of Michigan
Samuel Trask Dana Building
440 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Contact Info:
Phone: 734 647 5947
School of Natural Resources & Environment Dept of Anthropology