Traditional Design

His famous typeface Sabon, modeled after 1952 Garamond, is still a bestseller. In the 1920s most typefaces in use were bold or robust. Regular weights were rarely used. Tschichold examined the deficiencies in line spacing and their terms and that set off his lifelong occupation with themes like the arrangement of typeface and questions of the construction of a book title.

Allen Lane, the founder of Penguin Books, brought Jan Tschichold to Penguin in the 1940s as head of typography and production. Tschichold standardized the cover of Penguin's books, refining them both visually and organizationally. Along with Gill Sans, Tschichold made use of Monotype Bembo, Monotype Centaur (by Bruce Rogers) and Gill's Perpetua typeface. He also conformed the books to abide by the Golden Ratio. Tschichold stayed in London, England with Penguin from 1947 to 1949 before returning to Switzerland.