the periphery



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      periphery: syn: edge, horizon, frontier

      why is this place exists and other matters

      From the American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd ed.
        pe·riph·er·y (p<e>-rif'<e>-re)
          n. pl.. --pe·riph·er·ies.
        1. A line that forms the boundary of an area; a perimeter. See Synonyms of circumference
        2. The surface of a solid.
          1. The outermost part or region within a precise boundary.
          2. A zone constituting an imprecise boundary.
        Etymology: Middle English periferie from Medieval Latin periferia from Late Latin peripheria from Greek periphereia from peripheres [carrying around] peri- [peri-] pherein [to carry]

      Why 'the periphery?

      Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have had many good friends who have taken the time to teach me the fundamentals of web page design. I have tried to repay their kindness both by teaching others, and by creating and working on homepages for the projects I have helped with.

      I am always striving to improve the content of these pages so that they will be useful to you. To this end, the guestbook below allows guests like you to leave ideas and suggestions, and leave a footprint on this small nook of the net. Your comments and time are deeply appreciated, and I will try to reply as soon as I can!

      Often, too, home pages are places of meeting, where old friends can stop by and leave a note on their journey. If you are such a person, leave a note! Let me and all of us fellow travelers how you are doing, and where hence you can be reached! (If you'd rather do it privately, feel free to e-mail me instead.)

      So why is this place called 'the periphery'? As seen above, 'periphery' has several definitions, but all of them mean really the same thing: an edge, a boundary, a frontier, an undiscovered country. And it is in these places that the most exciting things begin. Discovery begins on the edge of the known. Growth begins at the edge of the existing. And dreams begin on the frontiers of the real. The periphery: the edge of the now upon which we all live, the horizon between which the future becomes the past. A neat place to be, wouldn't you think?

      The Guestbook got hosed with spam, and so was disabled. But if you have comments, suggestions, improvements, punchlines, etc, please drop me a line! :-)

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All materials copyright Jeffrey Huo, 2001