Matsuura Yuu

Matsuura Yuu---hot!

Matsuura Yuu

Yuu is the son of the couple that switches partners with Miki's parents. He is very unemotional in the earlier episodes and seems to really be cold and unfeeling. We realize soon though, that he just hides his emotions behind his smiles. He teases Miki unmercifully and at first it seems that he thinks Miki is just a pesky kid. As it turns out, he is just hiding his feelings for her.

Hot Hot Hot!Women are very attracted to Yuu. We see Arimi, Suzu, Anju and Jinny all try to win Yuu's love but he only has eyes for Miki. Although he is not mean to these ladies, he is firm in letting them know that Miki is the only one for him. His main competition for Miki in the early episodes is Ginta . In episode 2, we actually seen concern on Yuu's face as she is staring at Ginta while remembering the past. Starting in the middle episodes and all the way to the end, Kei is introduced as competition for Yuu. He is very immature at first and it's obvious that Miki doesn't care for him in a romantic way but he goes away for 11 episodes and returns a changed man. Then he becomes a real challenge for Yuu.

Yuu's hobbies are architecture and teasing Miki. In middle school, he was on the tennis club and he is excellent at sports (especially basketball). Because of his love for architecture, he spends a lot of time at the old library on the school campus. There he researches works by Gaudi and other famous architects as well as works by Miwa. At the library is where he meets Miwa Satoshi , the son of the architect. Miwa becomes Yuu's best friend. At first, Yuu thinks that Miwa is gay because of the library incident and soon the whole school thinks that they are a couple! Miki just can't believe it but then she decides that they just look too good together and thinks that Miwa is her biggest competition for Yuu.

So seriousYuu blossoms as a character and especially in the earlier episodes where we see him trying to cheer Miki up. Although he isn't very likable in the beginning, we start to warm up to him when he takes Miki to a lake to take her mind off her problems and when he jumps balconies to stop her from crying. In episode 25 where he finally confesses his love for her, we find that because of a traumatic event in his childhood, he has a hard time opening up to people. This shows Miki that his love for her is very strong and that it will take a lot for it to be broken.

In his spare time, Yuu works at the Junk Jungle where we meet his boss, Kijima. Kijima is a former student at Toryo High and is a great confidant to Yuu. We also learn at the Junk Jungle about the power of the Toryo Medallion. Kijima is the one person who knows that when Yuu is upset about something, he asks for a cup of coffee (see the Marmalade Boy Movie).



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