
I am driven by real data problems, and develop theories (if they are relevant), software (if they are useful), and new methods (only when necessary).

Applications in cybersecurity and genetics have led me to study high-dimensional statistics, large-scale multiple testing, extremes values, and algorithms on data streams.

Papers and preprints

  • On the Rate of Concentration of Maxima in Gaussian Arrays
    Rafail Kartsioukas, ZG, Stilian Stoev.
    Extremes (in press). [arXiv]

  • Detection and Identification of Sparse Anomalies in High-dimensional Data Streams
    ZG, Stilian Stoev, Michalis Kallitsis.
    In preparation.

  • Fast Online Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
    ZG, Ruofei Zhao.
    In preparation.

Prior to 2015

  • The distribution of incubation and relapse times in experimental human infections with the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax
    Andrew A Lover, Xiahong Zhao, ZG, Richard J. Coker, and Alex R. Cook.
    BMC Infectious Diseases 2014 14:539. [link]