What I do for FUN!

While I don't have TONS of free time to go around and find fun things to do, I do have things that I make sure I don't miss.

I religiously follow Buffy and Angel. I just can't live without them! My life becomes a meaningless void, filled with nothing but work and school and stress. So, if I can't watch, I tape and I tape even if I can watch, too! Never know who might call or talk or bother you while you're watching! It never fails that someone will call, even when they know better. :) Interested in reading our comments on the show? You can see what we're thinking!


After seven seasons on the air, Buffy will take a final bow on May 20, 2003. I would like to take this moment to thank Joss Whedon for adapting the movie into a TV show that combined growing up with fantasy, in such a way to keep me entertained and watching. Buffy will be a much missed aspect of my Tuesday evenings.


As for Angel, as of 5/9/03, it has not yet been renewed by the WB network. After seeing the season finale, I really hope they do come back, as it was one of the most interesting finales I've seen in a while! I know that it's going to be torture (*when* it is renewed) to have to wait until October or so to see the next season... Guess I might just have to splurge and buy the Season 1 DVD!


This Buffy interest also extends to Sunnydale's Finest. This is a email role-playing group (RPG) based on Buffy. I play Tara, who is (was?) one of my favorite characters on the series. I really relate to the character and sometimes feel that she was written about me. I have found this group to be very supportive and willing to let me play as I see fit and I really enjoy interacting with them! As of 2003, I am also playing Angel! While this is proving to be a challenging endeavor, I'm loving every minute of it. It's very interesting to try and voice what Angel is thinking/feeling and not make him too utterly sappy.

I also like practically every type of music under the sun! What I listen to invariably depends on what I'm feeling. If I'm happy, I want happy music, if I'm sad, something more mellow. If my head hurts, it's New Age or Nature Sounds. My best source of music is Spinner.com. I can listen to any genre at any time, right here at work! I'm actually now using Netscape radio, which is more or less an upgrade of Spinner's radio. It has lots of fun categories to listen to, my favorite being Movie Songs. However, that can get limited occasionally and you end up hearing the same songs over and over and over.

However, there is one artist that will always be on the top of my list...Peter Gabriel...*sigh* Chris and I saw him in Cleveland, OH, the best thing we've ever done in Cleveland and the only reason we would ever go there again anyway.......it's not exactly a favorite city of ours. :) If only we had more money, we'd go see Peter while he tours in Europe... (donations accepted)

If you check out my books page, you can see what I try to read. (aka, reading that isn't assigned and I actually want to read!)