Problem sets

Problem sets are generally posted on Fridays and due at noon ET the following Friday. Please upload

  1. a PDF file containing your solutions,
  2. a ZIP file containing your (properly commented) code that reproduces any computer output in the solutions

to Canvas. You must typeset your solutions; if your solutions are handwritten, 1 pt will be deducted from your problem set grade. You are encouraged to collaborate on problem sets with classmates, but the final write-up (including any code) must be your own.

Due date Problems
Jan 20 BV† 2.15, 2.25
Jan 27 BV 3.24, 3.42, A3.2‡
Feb 3 BV 4.28, A4.31
Feb 10 BV 4.13, 4.45
Feb 17 Gradient descent problem set

†BV refers to Boyd and Vandenberghe’s book on convex optimization.

‡The prefix A refers to additional exercises for BV.