Softball - Summer 2000

Some informative links for the Summer 2000 Rec-league softball teams.
There are three teams.
Bright Orange (co-ed)
Donald Adamek
The Goats (co-ed)
Ian Jones ianjones@umich.ed
Baby Black Puddings (mens)
Todd Elkins
W: 763-0385 H: 997-9081

Practices are held jointly by all three teams on Saturdays from
3-6pm at Almondinger (see directions link under the men's team).

Message Boards for use by all teams.

Men's Schedule (HTML)|(PDF) and directions. (HTML)|(TXT)
Men's Stats stats.html
Also to note this year there are bat retrictions, your bat must be legal to play. We haven't seen how tightly they enforce the rules yet but from what I've seen it will be strict.
Check out the ASA bat list for a list of bats.