Xdot's Rules of Acquisition

Xdot provides a list of rules for acquiring monies in #poker and #mopoker. Please refer to these rules whenever necessary. (Inspired by AdmBones wee!) My good friend, Elmer Fudd originally wrote most of these rules, but I took the liberty of translating them from the Owiginawe Wuwees.

  1. It is easy to win monies, it's much harder to keep monies.
  2. You cannot bluff bankers.
  3. A 1000 raise is N a bluff.
  4. If you call a mo with a pair, and the mo disses zero, you WILL hit trips.
  5. It doesn't matter what YOU have, it's what the other mo has that counts.
  6. Over-vulture: (Usually) BAD. (corollary to #2)
  7. Beware the over-vulture.
  8. Beware the Scum-roll situation (Ananchronistic leftover from bygone era)
  9. When wiggers are present: BAG!
  10. When wusses are present: MUNCH!
  11. Its easier to bluff good players.
  12. Never bluff a fish. (Unless a set-up)
  13. If you are gonna raise, you better stand a re-raise (otherwise you a wuss).
  14. Impatient moa bank.
  15. Never underestimate the growth potential of NOFT (No one folding trips)
  16. A 100 bet to open invites cooters.
  17. If you won't be bluffed, you WILL be banked.
  18. A nork is as good as a wig to a blind bettor. (heh sounds good, means little)

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