Milk the Muncher

Milk the Muncher

Cooter gets caught in an upward spiral
=botmo= $: dot:1296566 Vol:958488 Coo:142761 Gab:155752 `Wa:292880 ***:0
=botmo= Volfsmaid, you're first to place a bet.
=botmo= Volfsmaid has set the bet to 4567. Pot is 5817.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
=botmo= Cooter pays 4567 to see the bet. Pot is 10384.
=botmo= Gabster, you're next.
=botmo= Gabster folds. 4 players remaining.
=botmo= `Wacker, you're next.
=botmo= `Wacker folds. 3 players remaining.
=botmo= dotmo, you're next.
=botmo= dotmo sees 4567 and raises 5000 to make the bet 9567!. Pot is 19951.
=botmo= Volfsmaid, you're next.
=botmo= Volfsmaid pays 5000 to see the bet. Pot is 24951.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
=botmo= Cooter pays 5000 to see the bet. Pot is 29951.
=botmo= Everyone has bet. Now indicate which cards to discard.
=botmo= dotmo will be discarding 1 card.
=botmo= Volfsmaid will be discarding 3 cards.
=botmo= Cooter will be discarding 3 cards.
=botmo= Discarded cards replaced. It's time to place final bets!
=botmo= dotmo, you're first to place a bet.
=botmo= dotmo has set the bet to 1. Pot is 29952.
=botmo= Volfsmaid, you're next.
Volfsmaid> oosp? heh
=botmo= Volfsmaid pays 1 to see the bet. Pot is 29953.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
=botmo= Cooter sees 1 and raises 24999 to make the bet 25000!. Pot is 54953.
=botmo= dotmo, you're next.
=botmo= Volfsmaid folds. 2 players remaining.
Volfsmaid> n
=botmo= Welcome, Spankmo with 111275 money (bankrupt 52 times).
=botmo= dotmo sees 24999 and raises 1 to make the bet 25001!. Pot is 79953.
dotmo with the 'I do believe you are bluffing' raise.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
Volfsmaid> lol
=botmo= Cooter sees 1 and raises 50000 to make the bet 75001!. Pot is 129954.
Cooter answers 'Am I?'
=botmo= dotmo, you're next.
Gabster> utoh
Gabster> get em dot
=botmo= dotmo sees 50000 and raises 1 to make the bet 75002!. Pot is 179955.
dotmo says 'You N fool me...'
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
=botmo= Cooter sees 1 and raises 50000 to make the bet 125002!. Pot is 229956.
Cooter is now committed.
=botmo= dotmo, you're next.
Volfsmaid> HAHA
Spankmo> anchors away
* Volfsmaid is rofl
=botmo= dotmo sees 50000 and raises 1 to make the bet 125003!. Pot is 279957.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
`Wacker> Lots of $$$$ at this table!!!
Gabster> my friend
Volfsmaid> yep
Volfsmaid> those two...too too much
=botmo= Cooter sees 1 and raises 8191 to make the bet 133194!. Pot is 288149.
=botmo= dotmo, you're next.
Gabster> coots runnin out of money
=botmo= dotmo sees 8191 and raises 50 to make the bet 133244!. Pot is 296390.
=botmo= Cooter, you're next.
Volfsmaid> heh
=botmo= Cooter pays 50 to see the bet. Pot is 296440.
=botmo= Revealing the players' cards:
=botmo= dotmo: A-H 5-C A-C A-S A-D Cooter: 8-D 2-S 9-D J-S 9-H
=botmo= dotmo's hand value: Four-of-a-Kind, Aces.
=botmo= dotmo wins 85 percent of the Jackpot: $127013!!!
=botmo= dotmo wins the game with 296440 in the pot!! House rakes 20744.
=botmo= Cooter bankrupted.
=botmo= Cooter folds.
Volfsmaid> oh WOW
dotmo> nice 9s
Standard dotmo taunt...
Gabster> haha
Volfsmaid> nice one dotmo
Gabster> DUH
Volfsmaid> very nicely done heh
dotmo> HOM?
Volfsmaid> yep
dotmo> he was wiggling
Volfsmaid> heheh
Cooter> hom my just bored

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