Wigger Gets Timely Quads

Wigger Gets Timely Quads

Well Xdot is wiggin' now, betting 500 on the last two or three hands.
Quadpups show up just in time for the bank-wig.
=pbot= Game #116149 is starting. Everyone pay ante of 10.
=pbot= $: Xdo:1059 Xaj:2043 Cir:1439 Eny:802 Knu:3208 ann:1191
=pbot= anny, you're first to place a bet.
=pbot= anny checks.
=pbot= Xdot, you're next.
=Knut> weeeeee!!!!!
=pbot= Xdot has set the bet to 1059. Pot is 1119.
=pbot= Xajus3, you're next.
=anny> whos a wuss?
=pbot= Xajus3 folds. 5 players remaining.
=pbot= Circe, you're next.
=pbot= Enygma folds. 4 players remaining.
=pbot= anny folds. 3 players remaining.
=pbot= Circe pays 1059 to see the bet. Pot is 2178.
=pbot= Knut, you're next.
=pbot= Knut pays 1059 to see the bet. Pot is 3237.
=pbot= Everyone has bet. Now indicate which cards to discard.
=pbot= Circe will be discarding 1 card.
=pbot= Xdot will be discarding 1 card.
=pbot= Knut will be discarding 3 cards.
=pbot= Discarded cards replaced. It's time to place final bets!
=pbot= Xdot, you're first to place a bet.
=pbot= Xdot checks.
=pbot= Circe, you're next.
=pbot= Circe has set the bet to 1. Pot is 3238.
=pbot= Knut, you're next.
=pbot= Knut sees 1 and raises 2148 to make the bet 2149!. Pot is 5387.
=pbot= Xdot, you're next.
=pbot= Bet limit of 50 imposed for Xdot.
=pbot= Xdot pays 50 to see the bet. Pot is 5437.
=pbot= Circe, you're next.
=Xdot> u lose
=pbot= Circe folds. 2 players remaining.
=pbot= Revealing the players' cards:
=pbot= Xdot: J-C 5-D 5-C 5-S 5-H Knut: 3-S K-D A-D 10-C 10-H
=pbot= Xdot's hand value: Four-of-a-Kind, 5s.
=pbot= Xdot wins the game with 5437 in the pot!!
=pbot= Knut bankrupted.
=pbot= Knut folds.
=Xajus3> heheh
=Knut> hehe
=Circe> wee dotmo
=Xdot> heh
=Enygma> lolol
=anny> LOL!!!! now *thats* a game!!!
=Knut> but i had fun doin it
=Xdot> weirdness
=Knut> heheh
=anny> my turn now!
=AdmBones> shouldna raised that much
AdmBones: duuuuhhh?
=Xdot> nice timing
=Circe> no doubt
=Xdot> for pat quads
=AdmBones> no point
* Knut is outtahere
=Xdot> Bones u want HOM of wrap-around sf?
=AdmBones> Were those quads pat?
=Xdot> Yes
=AdmBones> Yeah. Dont you?
=Xdot> Well i am ambivalent but i will if you want it
=Circe> i want wigger gets timely quads as a HOM ;)
=AdmBones> Up to you really
=Xdot> heh ok that one too
As You Wish
IRC log ended Thu Sep 5 13:14

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