Is It a Munch?

Is it a munch? (or a wig? or just a lucky sob?)

Ok to preface this, NorthExp and Xdot are testing the theory
that Kings and 4s are coming up way too often from Pbot to be
a coincidence. Meaning if you have Ks or 4s dealt to you
odds are you will draw more and win the hand. I know its superstitious,
(it was trip Js a few days ago, then Qs and 5s) but hey it
is poker after all...
=pbot2= Game #40720 is starting. Everyone pay ante of 10.
=pbot2= $: pap:1798 Xdo:4404 daf:4927 Elm:912 Mak:770 Nor:47536
=pbot2= NorthExp, you're first to place a bet.
=pbot2= NorthExp has set the bet to 100. Pot is 160.
=pbot2= pappy1, you're next.
=pbot2= Maks folds. 5 players remaining.
=pbot2= pappy1 pays 100 to see the bet. Pot is 260.
=pbot2= Xdot, you're next.
=pbot2= Xdot sees 100 and raises 100 to make the bet 200!. Pot is 460.
=pbot2= daffy1, you're next.
=pbot2= daffy1 folds. 4 players remaining.
=pbot2= Elmo, you're next.
=pbot2= Elmo folds. 3 players remaining.
=pbot2= NorthExp, you're next.
=pbot2= NorthExp pays 100 to see the bet. Pot is 560.
=pbot2= pappy1, you're next.
*NorthExp* kings? heh
NE thinks I have KK, so thats why I am raising. He is close, Ive got AA.
=pbot2= pappy1 pays 100 to see the bet. Pot is 660.
=pbot2= Everyone has bet. Now indicate which cards to discard.
-> *NorthExp* hmm not yet
Here I give the cryptic Xdot answer...Most famous for when CaptAdv
asked me if I had trips when I dissed 2 and I replied 'not yet' and
then drew trips to win hand...
=pbot2= NorthExp will be discarding 1 card.
=pbot2= Xdot will be discarding 2 cards.
=pbot2= pappy1 will be discarding 1 card.
=pbot2= Your cards: 1) J-D 2) A-C 3) A-S 4) A-D 5) A-H
Prayers have been answered! Not only draw trips but QUADS!
=pbot2= Discarded cards replaced. It's time to place final bets!
=pbot2= NorthExp, you're first to place a bet.
=pbot2= NorthExp has set the bet to 1. Pot is 661.
=pbot2= pappy1, you're next.
=pbot2= pappy1 pays 1 to see the bet. Pot is 662.
=pbot2= Xdot, you're next.
=pbot2= Xdot sees 1 and raises 332 to make the bet 333!. Pot is 995.
=pbot2= NorthExp, you're next.
=pbot2= pappy1 folds. 2 players remaining.
-NorthExp> hmmm
=pbot2= NorthExp sees 332 and raises 3000 to make the bet 3333!. Pot is 4327.
Seems Ne has hit something, prolly boat, too bad! Now if I have mere
trips, I would probably fold (Although NE once lost 5K in this manner
to my trip Aces when I was pissed and called for spite).
=pbot2= Xdot, you're next.
-Kranberry> Eeek...
=pbot2= Xdot sees 3000 and raises 538 to make the bet 3871!. Pot is 7865.
OK, did I strategically leave 333 or just miscalculate my monies?
=pbot2= NorthExp, you're next.
-NorthExp> quadboy?
-Elmo> eeps
-Xdot> caould ber
-Elmo> bluff boy
-daffy1> raise it again
-Xdot> could be even
-Kranberry> Raise it 50 more...
-Elmo> raise 20000
-daffy1> and again
-NorthExp> hes got quads
Peceptive, yet greed takes over...
-Elmo> raise 10
-Elmo> heh
-Kranberry> It's only 538 see it...
=pbot2= NorthExp sees 538 and raises 383 to make the bet 4254!. Pot is 8786.
Excellent Vulture tactics!
=pbot2= Xdot, you're next.
=pbot2= Xdot pays 383 to see the bet. Pot is 9169.
=pbot2= Revealing the players' cards:
=pbot2= Xdot: J-D A-C A-S A-D A-H NorthExp: 7-C 7-S Q-S Q-C Q-H
=pbot2= Xdot's hand value: Four-of-a-Kind, Aces.
=pbot2= Xdot wins the game with 9169 in the pot!!
-Kranberry> EEP...
-NorthExp> yup
-Elmo> hmm
-> *NorthExp* oosp
-pappy1> nice hand :]
*NorthExp* figures
-Elmo> now, whenever i get quads grand total of pot= 62
Hmm Elvis forgets the 3K he won when i pulled boat to his dealt

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