
this will be updated shortly for Winter 1997

Grades will be based primarily on three lecture exams and the laboratory grades. The lab is approximately 30% of your grade. Extra credit will be given to all who actively participate in lecture and lab sessions. It is likely that 2 or 3 unscheduled surprise quizzes will be given in lecture during the semester. It is strongly recommended that you attend lectures - exam questions will be taken mostly from lecture material.

Lab guidelines

Lab period purpose and format: This lab reinforces the concepts learned in lecture. It gives you a chance to make sure you understand the theory and gives you examples of practical applications. In each lab period, I will start by going over key problems from the previous 2 labs. Then after an introduction to the current week's lab, you have the remainder of the period to work on the labs.

Materials: Bring a calculator, ruler, and current lab handouts to the weekly session.

Grading: Lab section grades are based on the lab exercises and count for approximately 30% of the course grade. Each lab will be out of 20 points.

Due dates: Labs are due one week after they are assigned. Late labs are docked 25% if they are turned in during the following week, 50% if they are turned in the week after that, and labs more than two weeks late will not be accepted.

Missed labs: Lab is a required part of the course. You may come to any of the scheduled lab sessions during the week. If you miss a lab, you may pick up a lab from me; however, I will not go through the lab introduction for every person who misses. If you miss lab, it is your responsibility to start the lab yourself and find a time when the lab room is available.

Working together: Feel free to work together and discuss questions. However, please turn in your own lab showing all the work requested.

Don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you do not understand.
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