NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

June 26-27, 2000

Sponsored by NSF and ERC/RMS

Breakout Session Summaries

(Breakout session charges)

1A: End-User Needs

1B: Machine-Builder Needs

  1. What are the current obstacles in writing the logic control for manufacturing systems? What could improve the systems?
  2. Using different programming languages
  3. Are the specifications currently received from end users sufficient? If not, how can they be improved?
  4. Open architecture
  5. Wish List

1C: State of the Art in Industrial Control

  1. Recent advances
  2. Problems
  3. Standards
  4. Wish list

1D: Collaboration Avenues

2A: Finite State Machine Framework

  1. Exciting, promising new developments in FSM for logic control.
  2. Barriers to implementing research results
  3. How to overcome these barriers

2B: Petri Net Framework

  1. Recent developments
  2. Barriers
  3. How can these barriers be overcome?
  4. Best examples of research implemented in industry
  5. The most important problems in using a Petri net framework?

2C: Emerging Frameworks

Academic/Industry needs Barrier:

2D: Technology transfer

  1. Barriers
  2. Industry: overcome the barriers
  3. Academics: overcome the barriers
  4. Intellectual property issues
  5. Should academics publish their work freely or patent it?

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