aaron's world
The links provided here will direct you to the websites of organizations, topics and people that Aaron is involved with. You could say that these entities, as a collective, represent the people, things and ideas that Aaron supports, loves, and cares most deeply about (at least, as much as is possible with electronic representation).
institutions & organizations
Cyberhymnal  an online collection of almost 7000 hymns and hymntunes

Against cell phones  an excellent article that parallels my opinions on cell phone usage

Naxos Music Library  a one-stop source for hearing new works, old works, and almost anything that you might like!

CPDL  a useful resource for surveying choral music from the 15th to 19th centuries

Learn Gregorian chant  because everyone should know how to read neumes...

Printable sheet music  the best site I've seen for printing customizable staff paper