The Mazurs

The Mazurs are my mother's father's parents, John and Mary. They came from the city of Krakow, which is in southern Poland. Both grew up in Poland and moved to America before meeting each other. (As mentioned on the previous website, Poland was not considered a country, so technically they came from Germany.)

Krakow is in southeast Poland.

Mary: Mary Tekla is my grandpa's mother. We think that she was born in 1898, and we know her birth was in Poland. She lived in Poland until around the year 1915, when she moved to America, Detroit, to be more specific. Sadly, she came by herself. Her family was very poor and her mother and father were struggling to support it. They lived in very poor conditions. When they heard of a banker in Detroit, Mr. Kronk, who need a servant Anna left her home. I was unable to find out if after her marriage in 1917 to John, she stopped working for the banker.

John: John, my grandpa's father was born June 24, 1894. He moved to America in 1915 to avoid being a soldier for Germany in 1915. He was drafted for the war and couldn't imagine fighting for the Germans, who took over his country. After arriving in America, with his violin as his sole possession, he moved to Detroit and began to work as an automatic screw machine operator.

Mary and John, together: Mary and John married in 1917. They lived in Detroit and had 6 children: Teofil, Joseph, Virginia, Stanley, Helen, and Jean (oldest-youngest.). Mary died in childbirth on March 6, 1941, as did the baby she was carrying. John lived until January 9, 1969. I regret that I have no pictures of them.


Click here to see my grandma's parents.