References & Further Reading

Document Archives

Hyges, M. (1999). Allenby and British strategy in the Middle East. Portland, Frank Cass Publishers

McTague, J.J. Jr. (1982). Anglo-French negotiations over the boundaries of Palestine, 1919-1920. Journal of Palestine Studies, 11(2), 100-112.

Kedourie, E. (1976). In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth: The McMahon-Husayn Correspondence and its interpretations 1914-1939. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Kent. M. (1993). Moguls and Mandarins: Oil, imperialism and the Middle East in British foreign policy 1900-1940. London, Frank Cass & Co

Khalidi, R.I. (1980). British policy towards Syria & Palestine 1906-1914. London, Ithaca Press.

Nevakivi, J. (1969). Britain, France and the Arab Middle East 1914-1920. University of London, Athlone Press.

Sheffey, Y. (1998). British military intelligence in the Palestine campaign 1914-1918. London, Frank Cass & Co.
New York Times articles:
Basis of Syrian Claims & Arab Nationalism - Published March 28, 1920. 
French and British at Outs over Syria - Published August 5, 1919.Considers the conflict between Britain and France, over Syria in 1919. 
King-Crane Commission  - Published December 4, 1922.  Looks at the longer-term implications of the King Crane Commission
Secret Treaties - Published March 12, 1922.  Considers the establishing of secret treaties between the European nations concerning the carving up on the Turkish empire. 

Texts of Treaties
Sykes-Picot Agreement
San Remo Resolution
King-Crane Commission