Star Charts
Learning Objective
To learn how to read a star chart.  Realizing that it is upside-down compared to a normal map, that the stars are the little black dots, and recognizing the constellations are the major objectives.
Relationship to the Driving Question of the Unit
A star chart is needed to find things in the sky.
Materials Needed
Star Chart, either from Abrams Planetarium or made with my Urban Planning project.
Instructional Strategies
Estimate Preparation Time
Photocopying star charts (10 minutes).
Estimated Activity Time
10 minutes
Instructional Sequence
Hand out star chart and put it onscreen.  Have students explore it while asking probing questions.  Does anyone notice anything odd?  Yes, the East and West are backward, why?
How it Went/Lessons Learned


Lessons: Journals, Assets, Lecture, Research, Create-Your-Own, Star Party

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