Michigan Humor

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So, it's a little lame. Where else can you live where Canada is to the East, and you don't have to cross a mountain range to get there?

Michigan Temperature Conversion Chart

Several, similar temperature conversion charts have appeared on the Internet in the past few years. All of them convert from a scientific standard ( farenheit) to a more human oriented measure (not Celcius or centigrade or some such foreign thing like that, nor even the wind chill factor).

  Originally found on http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/22886.html
October 14, 2004
Originally found on http://www.dutchgirl.net/michigan.html
October 14, 2004
Originally received as an e-mail from Michael Bartz
December 8, 1999
The Michigan Temperature Conversion Chart The Michigan Temperature Conversion Chart
At +70° - Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear.
People in Michigan go swimming in the Lakes.
70 above
Floridians unpack their "Winter" clothes
Michigan people plant gardens.
At +60° - North Carolinians start turning on the heat.
People in Michigan plant gardens.
When it's 60 above, New Yorkers try to turn on the heat; Michigan people plant gardens. 60 above
New Yorkers try to turn on the heat.
Michigan people are still sunbathing.
At +50° - Californians shiver uncontrollably.
People in Michigan sunbathe.
When it's 50 above, Californians shiver uncontrollably; Michigan people sunbathe. 50 above
Californians shiver uncontrollably.
Michigan people are still wearing shorts.
At +40° - Italian and English cars won't start.
People in Michigan drive with the windows down.
When it's 40 above, Italian cars won't start; Michigan people drive with the windows down. 40 above
Italian cars won't start.
Michigan people drive with the windows down.
At +30° - Distilled water freezes.
Lake Superior's water gets thicker.
When it's 32 above, distilled water freezes; Lake Michigan's water gets thicker. 32 above
Distilled water freezes.
Lake Michigan's water gets thicker.
At +20° - Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and woolly hats.
People in Michigan throw on a flannel shirt.
When it's 20 above, Floridians wear coats, gloves, and wool hats; Michigan people throw on a sweatshirt. 20 above
Floridians wear heavy coats, gloves and woolly hats (that they had shipped in from Michigan).
Michigan people throw on a sweatshirt
At +15° - Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in Michigan have the last cookout before it gets cold.
When it's 15 above, New York landlords finally turn up the heat; Michigan people have the last cook-out before it gets too cold. 15 above
Tennesse schools close.
Michigan people have the last cook-out before it gets cold.
At 0° - People in Miami begin freezing to death...
Michiganders lick the flagpole.
When it's 0 degrees, people in Miami cease to exist; Michigan people lick the flagpole. -0-
Californians fly away to Mexico.
Michigan people lick the flagpole.
At -20° - Californians evacuate to Mexico.
People in Michigan get out their winter coats.
When it's 20 below, Californians fly away to Mexico; Michigan people get out their winter coats. 20 below
People in Miami cease to exist.
Michigan people get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg.
At -40° - Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in Michigan are selling cookies door to door.
When it's 40 below, Hollywood disintegrates; Michigan's girl scouts begin selling cookies door to door. 40 below
Hollywood disintegrates.
Michigan's Girl Scouts are still selling cookies door to door.
At -60° - Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic.
Michigan Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.
When it's 60 below, polar bears begin to evacuate Antarctica; Michigan's boy scouts postpone "winter survival" classes until it gets cold enough. 60 below
Polar bears abandon Antarctica.
Michigan's Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.
At -80° - Mt. St. Helens freezes.
People in Michigan rent some videos.
When it's 80 below, Mt. St. Helen's freezes; Michigan people rent some videos.
At -100° - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Michiganders get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.
When it's 100 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole; Michigan people get frustrated they can't thaw the keg.
At -297° - Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products.
Cows in Michigan complain about farmers with cold hands.
When it's 297 below, microbial life survives on dairy products; Michigan cows complain of farmers with cold hands. 297 below
Microbial life can't survive.
Michigan people comment expertly about chaffed skin, "It's not the cold, it's the lack of humidity".
At -460° - ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale).
People in Michigan start saying, "Cold 'nuff for ya?"
When it's 460 below, all atomic motion stops; Michigan people start saying, "Cold 'nuff for ya?" 460 below
ALL atomic motion stops.
Michigan people start saying...."Cold `nuff for ya?"
At -500° - Hell freezes over.
The Lions win the Super Bowl!
When it's 500 below, Hell freezes over; the Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl! 500 below
Hell freezes over.
The Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl.

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You may be from Michigan


Found on the internet at http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/20119.html

If you define Summer as three months of bad sledding....
If your definition of a small town is one that doesn't have a lake....
If your family breaks into violence during the UM-MSU game (any sport!)...
If snow tires come standard on all your cars....
If at least 50% of your relatives work for the auto industry....
If you have ever gotten frostbitten and sunburned in the same week....
If you can identify an Ohio accent....
If owning a Japanese car was a hanging offense in your home town.....
If you learned to pilot a boat before the training wheels were off your bike....
If you think Alkaline batteries were named after a Tiger outfielder....
If you point at the palm of your right hand when telling people where you grew up....
If you don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is....
If someone asks you if you've been to Europe and you answer, "No, but I've been to Ann Arbor"....
If "Down South" to you means Toledo....
If you have any idea who Bob Ufer was.....
If octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball...
If traveling coast to coast[1] means going from Port Huron to Muskegon...
If you think "going up north" would be a great vacation....in January....
If you refer to your relatives in southern Michigan as "trolls" or "lopers"...
If the "Big Three" can mean either Ford, Chrysler and GM or Domino's, Little Caesar's and Hungry Howie's...
If a Big Mac is something you can drive across....
If you have no problem spelling Mackinac Island....
If you had to get a passport to go to Ohio....
If you have as many Canadian coins in your pockets as American ones...
If your kid's baseball and softball games have ever been snowed out...
If the trees in your backyard have spigots....
If you know that a place called "Kalamazoo" really exists....
If you bake with "soda" and drink "pop"...
If you know what a pastie is...
If you drive 70 mph on the highway and pass on the right....
If your favorite hockey team's mascot is an octopus...
If you have a favorite hockey team...
If you don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Vernor's...
If you know how to play Euchre

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[1] Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast in Michigan has far too many meanings.
[A] Lake Huron to Lake Michigan

[B] Lake Erie to Lake Michigan

[C] Lake Superior to Lake Huron

[D] Lake Superior to Lake Michigan

[D] Lake Superior to Lake Erie

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