William N. Atkinson
Learning Resources Center:

The Library

Jackson Community College

User's Guide



Library Card

Your first library card is free. If you lose your card, subsequent cards may be procured for $1.00. Apply for a card at the circulation desk and bring your driver's license or State of Michigan ID card. Your library card is good at any library on the Rosebud network: Jackson Community College and all branches of Jackson Public Library. You must present your card in order to check out materials. You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card.

Check-Out Limits

Five items from the circulating collection may be checked out at one time. Most items circulate for three weeks with renewals possible if no one else has requested the item in question. Reference books, magazines, and certain other items may not be checked out, but must be used in the library.

Placing Holds

If an item you want is already checked out, you may "place a hold" on it at one of the Dynix terminals (type "PH"), or ask a staff member at the circulation desk for help placing the hold. Holds may be placed on both JCC materials and materials owned by any branch of the Jackson District Library. Once the book or other item arrives in the LRC, we will contact you to come pick it up.

The Reserve Collection

Class reserves are housed behind the circulation desk; items from the reserve collection should be requested from the staff member at the desk. All items on reserve are listed by both the instructor's name and that of the department in which the class is taught--often also by the number of the course. Ask a staff member if you need assistance. Check-out periods for reserve materials are set by the instructor and may vary from two hours to seven days or more: be sure to note when the materials are due back.


In order to renew an item, you need to bring both the item and your library card to the library. Items that have had a hold placed on them by another patron cannot be renewed.


Fines are charged for overdue materials, as follows:

Borrowing periodFine
3 weeks10 cents per school day
1 week20 cents per school day
Overnight20 cents per school hour

Fines must be paid before additional materials can be checked out. A complete list of fines and related information is availabe from the circulation desk on request. Fines are reduced by half if they are paid when the materials are returned. Fines which are more than thirty days overdue may be turned over to a collection agency. Fines on JCC materials may be paid at JCC or at any branch of the Jackson District Library.

Lost Materials

The LRC requires compensation for library materials lost. Ask for details at the circulation desk.

Academic Holds

The names of JCC students who fail to pay fines or charges for lost materials are placed on a college-wide "hold list," a list of those who have had a hold placed on their academic records. Students with an academic hold may not request a transcript, and their library borrowing privileges are suspended.

Returning Books

You may return library books by any of the following:

InterLibrary Loan

Books and journal articles not available at JCC can usually be obtained for you from other libraries in Michigan or out of state. You are asked to limit your requests to no more than six at one time. Most items requested by InterLibrary Loan (ILL) are received within ten to twelve days. Occasionally, the library that owns the materials may charge to lend or send them. If the cost is high enough that we will have to charge you to help defray it, we will notify you prior to proceeding with the request.

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HTML version created 15 March 1997.
Text of print version copyright © Jackson Community College. Additional material and HTML rendition copyright © 1997 Paul F. Schaffner