bicycling info, on campus, year round:

Here are some tips gained from several years of bicycle commuting to the Ann Arbor University of Michigan campus through all seasons. With the appropriate equipment, the only time you won’t be able to comfortably bicycle are the days after a snowstorm dumps over a foot of snow and you have to walk your bike through the mess. (Extra-wide low-pressure tires help on those days.)


general equipment:

rain equipment:

spring / fall equipment:

winter equipment:

extra equipment:


bicycle advocacy groups:

Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking CoalitionLeague of Michigan BicyclistsAnn Arbor Bicycle Touring SocietyMichigan Trails & Greenways AllianceMichigan Mountain Biking AssociationBike Advocates at the University of MichiganCritical Mass (Wikipedia)

* Example abandoned bikes:


Location: racks on north side of West Hall
Date: 2008-07-10
Notes: front wheel is bent as well as rear


Location: racks on north side of West Hall
Date: 2008-07-10
Notes: same two bikes as above


Location: racks on north side of IMSB
Date: 2008-07-25
Notes: I lived in this neighborhood and believe it is in the path of drunk idiots


Location: racks on north side of IMSB
Date: 2008-07-25
Notes: alternate view of above bike


Location: south of the Marie Dorothy Hartwig Admin Building
Date: 2008-07-25
Notes: missing front wheel


Location: east of Michigan Union (front entrance)
Date: 2008-07-25
Notes: lots of foot traffic = more than a few drunk idiots


Location: east of Michigan Union (front entrance)
Date: 2008-07-25
Notes: left bike’s wheel is bent (this bike is just to the right of the bike above)

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Copyright 2009: Michael Skora