Process - Burn Injury


Assess psychosocial issues related to body image and disfigurement

Assess pain related issues; need for cognitive behavioral interventions

Education family about recovery process (short and long-term)

Refer to Burn Support Groups

Offer/Provide educational information on for burn injury.

If house fire – consider giving “After a Fire” online at the American Red Cross web site. Remember, the American Red Cross local chapter will help families following a fire with a couple of days of motel or hotel assisstance.

If tap-water scald injury, consider giving them a copy of the antiscald device information Provide education about turning hot water down and requirements for antiscald devices in some apartments based on local ordinance law.


If child,

For resources to assist with visible difference, go to that section.

For resources related to school re-entry, go to that section.

Resources for burn injury

An important fact: Research shows that the majority of burn survivors achieve a quality of life that is satisfying to them and most are judged by to be well-adjusted individuals according to a variety of measures. I will be attaching a list of articles shortly that demonstrate this conclusion.


Last updated: October 13, 2006