
Minimum Makespan Vehicle Routing Problem

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We study a minimum makespan vehicle routing problem with compatibility constraints. The motivation comes from its salient application in Medical Home Care industry. We develop a mixed-integer linear program formulation and proposed a branch-cut-and-price algorithm. After proving the hardness result of the problem, we further develop an approximation algorithm that achieves the best approximation bound.

Car-and-Ride Share System Design and Operations

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In this project, we study an innovative car-and-ride share (CRS) system. We assume two types of customers: customers who rend the car to drive for private drive and customers who cannot drive the car but have mobility needs. In the proposed CRS system, we encourage customers who can drive to serve the latter customers. We aim to use our model to improve the mobility in underserved communities.

We develop a two-phase mixed-integer programs (MIP) to formulate the problem. A two-stage stochastic MIP formulation is also proposed to further address the uncertainties in traveling time. We have also collaboratively built a web-based application of our proposed system and conduct pilot test.