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July 3, 2000 "Curt Tosses the Kids"

We always have so much fun at Crystal Lake. Mary's Aunt Lee Williams and her brother John Logan have generously opened their wonderful home on Crystal Lake to us on numerous occasions. During our Ann Arbor years, we visited annually in the summer to hang out with Mary's four cousins and all their families. It was a golden age of new babies and great comraderie.

This particular summer, we captured on video the spectacle of Mary's cousin Curt tossing the kids in the air. It's a "sport" that no one else would do with the kids. You can see how much they loved it. Along with 3-year-old Simon are Logan, Grace, Rowan, Madi, and Lexi.

At one point, Curt says he's had enough. Then his daughter Madi signs that she wants more. Curt can't resist her request, but he sets a task and asks all the kids to learn the sign language for "more". They eagerly comply, and he tosses them all again.

This exchange is very touching. The family is wonderful in the ways that everyone comes together to support Madi and her family in her special communication needs. Adding to the sense of challenge and joy that year was the fact that Madi's little sister, Lexi, was recently recovered from a frightening fall out a second-storey window.

When Simon's cancer came along two years later, we felt very comforted in the midst of the Williams clan. Lexi's parents had shared details of her precarious, but successful, recovery via a Web site. That Web site was the inspiration for creating Simon's Place.

Toward the end of the clip you can see Miriam among the onlookers. She's about 9 months old and getting ready to walk. But for the time being, she's still doing her own peculiar leg-dragging crawl.

July 3, 2000 "Curt Tosses the Kids" (3.5 minutes)
You may want to turn up the volume on your speakers to hear the audio in the clip.

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SIMON'S PLACE | A Web Site For Simon Vodosek