Special Handouts: Physics 390        Fall  2004 

  1. Math Review:                                              handout  / solutions                (8-Sep-2004)
  2. Vector Analysis (general overview):             PDF                                      (8-Sep-2004)
  3. Two Slit Experiment:                                   PDF                                       (24-Sep-2004)
  4. Schrodinger's trick to solve Quantum           PDF                                       (6-Oct-2004)
    Harmonic Oscillator Problem: 
  5. Midterm Exam 1 practice questions:             handout  / solutions                 (19-Oct-2004)
  6. Summary of Statistical Physics:                     PDF                                       (2-Nov-2004)
  7. Insulator, Semiconductor and Conductors:    PDF                                       (11-Nov-2004)
  8. Formula sheet for Exam 2:                            PDF                                       (15-Nov-2004)
  9. Formula sheets for Final:                               PDF                                       (3-Dec-2004)