Jarrod's Random Thoughts
A place in which your's truly can express himself, bitch, moan and otherwise say whats on his mind.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004  


I have decided to try LiveJournal for a while and see what the buzz is about there. So, you can find my LiveJournal at: http://www.livejournal.com/users/jvankirk/ If my friends would let me know of anyone I should link, I would appreciate it!

posted by Jarrod | 2:22 PM

Tuesday, November 23, 2004  

Weight Watcher's Update

So, I have missed the previous 2 weigh-ins for the Portland trip. This was probably good. It gave me time to get my weight back down. From my last weigh-in, 3 weeks ago, I am only down .8 lbs. That makes a total of 9.8 lbs. so far since joining the program 8 weeks ago. I am not thrilled with the progress I am making, but I am satisifed. The program works. Now, I want to get my 10 lb. ribbon next week, which means I only need to lose .2 lbs. I know I can do that, but would like to lose about 2.5 lbs. 3.3 lbs would be 5% of my body weight. That would also be cool, but probably much more than I can hope for with Thanskgiving this week. We shall see. I am close to needing tighter pants. I find myself pulling them up more and more often. I guess that is a good thing!

posted by Jarrod | 1:49 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004  

Three Weeks

So, I haven't Blogged in three weeks. Nothing wrong, just nothing to say.

posted by Jarrod | 1:55 PM

Tuesday, November 02, 2004  


Week 4 ended. I have lost a grand total of 9 lbs!


Thank God! We get to vote the asshole out today.

posted by Jarrod | 4:47 PM
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