Jarrod's Random Thoughts
A place in which your's truly can express himself, bitch, moan and otherwise say whats on his mind.

Thursday, July 22, 2004  


So, work has been busy lately.  This in and of itself is not a huge issue.  I can deal with busy.  I think I have been dealing farily well so far this yearend.  The issue I have is one staff member who doesn't seem to get that we are busy and he needs to operate at a different speed from normal.  He is still moving paper at a 'normal' rate.  My other staff members are churning out additional work, as they understand that is necessary.  I have just started trying to make it a priority for him to perform faster, hopefully it will work.  I am assigning deadlines when I need answers on certain things from him.  These deadlines are sooner than he is used to.  He seems to work better with the deadlines, but I will know more this afternoon when the first one hits.  We shall see.


I came home last night and opened a letter from the Assessor's Office in Pittsfield Twp. They are raising our assessed value of our home, as there was a clerical error last December when they entered the new assessment including the house.  They forgot the garage.  They added about 5% to the value of our house.  So, I called them and got the explanation this morning.  It was a clerical error on their data entry.  I can understand that.  What I couldn't take was the abuseful tone the woman from the Assessor's Office had with me the whole time I was on the phone.  She acted like she was on the atatck as soon as I asked for an explanation.  Granted she probably gets a lot of irritable home-owners, but I was VERY pleasant and professional.  She was being a complete bitch.  Really set a bad tone for the conversation.  So, after I understood about what had caused this I asked for some more information on what our tax bill would be.  She transferred me to the Treasurer's office.  A very friendly and helpful gentleman took me through the assessment and what that means in terms of taxes.  I am afraid our monthly mortgage payment is about to spike up over $300 per month!  Our taxes are paid through our escrow account.  Our annual tax bill is nearly $4,000 this year between our August and December Bills.  Last year, due to the timing of the assessment on our property, before the house was bilt, our tax bill was just $560.  So, Our escrow payment is only $76 per month.  To cover our taxes and home insurance, which are paid from escrow, we need to have at least $400 per month pulled, plus some make-up figure since we are about to overdraw our escrow account.  So, our mortgage payment must go up at least $325 per month.  Ouch.  We need to figure out our budget again.

posted by Jarrod | 10:15 AM

Friday, July 16, 2004  

You are Cyclops!
You are attractive and strong, in a boy scout
republican sort of way.  You are set firm in
your beliefs, which is not necessarily a bad
thing.  But often when faced with a conflicting
opinion you become defensive and angry and
prone to conflict.  You like to be a leader,
but you must acknowledge that there are some
situations which others are better fit to deal
with than yourself.

Which X-Men character are you most like?

posted by Jarrod | 8:22 AM

Wednesday, July 14, 2004  

My Religion Quiz Results


Average Christian
You're not going to become a minister anytime soon, but you do your best to live your life in a Christian way. This means that although you probably don't attend church every Sunday, you do your best to follow the Ten Commandments, help the needy and generally be an all around good person. Who needs to follow the entire bible anyways? It was written ages ago, and Christ transmuted it by giving his life.

I found the following part of particular interest.

All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:

Fundamentalist Christian (You scored 0)
Holy Roller (You scored 0)
Average Christian (You scored 3)
True Christian (You scored 0)
Modern Satanist (You scored 0)
Theistic/Traditional Satanist (You scored 0)
Luciferian (You scored 0)
Devil Worshipper (You scored 0)
Atheist (You scored 0)
Agnostic (You scored 3)
New Aged/Wiccan (You scored 2)
Pagan/Occultist (You scored 2)
Discordian (You scored 0)
Category Unknown (You scored 0)

posted by Jarrod | 9:27 AM

Thursday, July 01, 2004  

I'm a dictator!

The Personality Test

You are an SEDL--Sober Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a dictator. You prefer to control situations, and lack of control makes you physically sick. You feel have responsibility for everyone's welfare, and that you will be blamed when things go wrong. Things do go wrong, and you take it harder than you should.

You rely on the validation and support of others, but you have a secret distrust for people and distaste for their habits and weaknesses that make you keep your distance from them. This makes you very difficult to be with romantically. Still, a level-headed peacemaker can keep you balanced.

Despite your fierce temper and general hot-bloodedness, you have a soft spot for animals and a surprising passion for the arts. Sometimes you would almost rather live by your wits in the wilderness somewhere, if you could bring your books and your sketchbook.

You also have a strange, undeniable sexiness to you. You may go insane.

Patrick must be a peacemaker!

posted by Jarrod | 11:13 AM
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