Jarrod's Random Thoughts
A place in which your's truly can express himself, bitch, moan and otherwise say whats on his mind.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004  

Back Yard Gardening Idea

Patrick and I have discussed putting rocks into the dry stream bed in the back yard. Mind you, it is really just a line in the yard where our and neighbors yard drain everytime it rains...

What if we used large hostas instead of large rocks or in addition to? Mix it up a bit and see how it looks?

posted by Jarrod | 11:24 AM

Thursday, May 06, 2004  


So, I have been quiet lately in my Blog. It would seem not much is going on with me, but that isn't quite right. I guess what I am saying is "Same old stuff, different day". Meaning nothing is new and exciting right now.


The front landscaping is completed for now. I would like to add a border around the front tree, but Patrick and I are not yet in agreement about it. We shall see. I am still trying to contact the guy about our broken sprinkler, and the guy who did the hydroseeding of our yard. They are not returning calls though. I KNOW it is the busy season, so I am trying to be patient.

posted by Jarrod | 2:14 PM
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