Jarrod's Random Thoughts
A place in which your's truly can express himself, bitch, moan and otherwise say whats on his mind.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003  

Edited to add a section on Blog invitations on the bottom.


So, for anyone who has not yet heard through the rumor mill. We have an offer on the house. All said and done, they have agreed to a price of $162,500. This is a little lower than we wanted, but we were happy to sell before we had to hire a realtor. They want to schedule their contractor's inspection for Monday afternoon, but will let me know for sure soon.

I have a meeting with the "Building Superintendent" today at noon. We are meeting at the new house to discuss a few of the problems there. The main one being that the bathroom we are having them pre-plumb the drains for in the basement, has a drain for the main floor running right through where the tub is supposed to go in. Having a drain pipe in the shower with you doesn't sound fun...

KG and I had an interesting discussion the other night about invitations via Blogs. I saw her comment on it on her Blog and it got me thinking more about it. Trying to put into words why I wouldn't use it as a sole source of information for an event is difficult, but I will attempt to do so below.

Blogs depend on someone else making an active attempt to find out what you have written. It assumes they have the time, and desire to read everything. While I do read my friends Blogs, I do sp sporadically, just as I post to my Blog sporadically. So, unless adequate time announcement is given, it is entirely possible, I or someone else would miss the event. (Say 1 week for adequate time???) I also don't feel as though I am invited if the only invitation I see is on a Blog. For example, the announcement of Corey's b-day party. I had no idea if I was invited, and thus, we have no plans of attending right now. I admit it is a pain to invite everyone you want. It is. But, it also removes ambiguity. I also had no intention of going to Lisamarie's and Wendi's birthday bash until I got the invitation. I had assumed people had been invited via email, and that I had not been until an email came. I didn't know if the invite on the Blog meant everyone. Maybe that seems odd, since I have gone to that party every year for at least 4 years, but that is how I honestly felt. I hate ambiguity. Ask Patrick, he will tell you. Yes, I admit the wedding example was a bit far fetched. But, it was meant to make a point. How do you know what is meant for you, when the whole world is potentially invited to something on a Blog? Another extreme, I know, but an honest question. I guess it all still boils down to the fact that I hate ambiguity. *sigh* Maybe I am alone in these feelings.

posted by Jarrod | 9:32 AM

Friday, April 25, 2003  

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Which Diablo II Character are you?, is Amazon

    posted by Jarrod | 11:42 AM

    Thursday, April 24, 2003  

    What's Happening Now

    First, the house. Patrick and I prepared some papers showing what we thought was a problem with the Master Bath. I dutifully took them over to the builder's office. I left them with a note explaining the problem with someone who was filling in for our contact, who was on vacation. When she got back from vacation, she agreed it was a problem, and showed it to the construction chief person. (I have no idea what his title would be.) He pointed out that our concerns were based on the mocked up house designs from their advertising packets, not form the actual revised blueprints. He showed her why it wasn't a problem, and she faxed it to me. Now, my question is why aren't the mock-ups the same as the blue prints? *sigh* While I was at the construction office, I was told that our customization for the stairs going to the basement was bought by someone else building our model. So, kudos to us for creating the idea. For those of you who don't know, the stairs to the basement were originally off of the laundry room. So, to go down to the eventually finished basement, one has to go through the laundry room.

    I met with realtors on Tuesday regarding selling the house. Basically, it sounds like we won't realize enough off of the sale of the house to cover our downpayment on the new place. We will be a few thousand short. So, we are in stringent savings mode...again..., and looking at tapping into a loan from my parents. We shall see. Hopefully, we will be able to save some money.

    So, after a dinner and a fabulous dessert at the Lord Fox with Patrick, Carla, James, Kristen and Jack, I have started my diet. I don't know how successful I will be. My goal is to drop a pant size. Once that is reached, I can look further. I am holding myself to about 1,000-1,200 calories a day during the week, and about 2,000 calories a day on the weekend. That, in combination with the exercise I am going to continue, should allow me to loose a substantial bit of weight by mid-May. We shall see. Dieting generally makes me cranky, but I am trying especially hard not to be. I went to our room to read last night because I was cranky, and I didn't want to take it out on Patrick. I feel like I will be doing a lot of reading over the next month or 2. Today is day 2. I have had a small piece of bread, and am having a lean cuisine for lunch. By the time I get home, I will have consumed about 400 calories. That will leave about 600 for dinner. I should be able to subsist on that and be more pleasant. Essentially what I am doing is going hungry at work, where I can be a miserable bitch without upsetting the boyfriend, and eating at home.... *grin* I thought this was a workable solution.

    Now for a quiz, via Nuadha.

    Bibliomancers Unite!: A Quiz

    What books are your comfort reading - the ones you slink back to in times of stress?
    Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books. An easy read, with some decent plot ideas.

    What was your favorite book as a child, and why?
    I will go with a few series here. I loved the "Three Investigators" mysteries. I also loved the "Black Stallion" series. I remember trying to do the magical things from Madeline L'Engle's books. Johnny Tremane was also a great read.

    What was your favorite book as an adolescent, and why?
    Stephen King. I read "It". I nearly wet my pants because I was so scared some nights, but I made it through, and was staying up to late at night (like 2 or 3 a.m.) on school nights to read it. It was fantastic.

    What is the most-unread category of books gathering dust on your bookshelf - the books you've bought but just never got around to reading?
    Non-Fiction. I have a hard timing reading it for pleasure. I want to loose myself in a book. I really don't want to learn anything of substance.

    What kind of books would you like to say you read, but never do?

    What's the oddest book you ever read?
    The Bible. All of the books. I read it in high school from cover to cover. An incredibly hard read. BORING. Some parts were interesting, but some of the histories.... Argh!

    What's the book you were never able to get through, despite the recommendations of people you respect?
    Silmarillion. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

    What's the book it took you a couple of tries to get into, but was as good as people promised once you finally made it?
    Ring World.

    What's your favorite short story... Or do you even have one?
    Hmmm. It would have to be a short story by Bradbury. I can't remember the name, but it was about a little girl living on Venus, where the sun was always behind the clouds and storming, and it came out once a year, and her classmates locked her in a closet when it happened, and forgot about her. She cried and cried, because she missed the sun, because she was born on Earth. I think that's how it went.

    The desert island.Three books (and collected works don't count; if you want Lord of the Rings, it'll cost you all three slots). Go.
    Some sort of historical fiction. I really like those.
    Some fantasy novel.
    Some sort of survival manual.

    posted by Jarrod | 10:01 AM

    Thursday, April 17, 2003  


    So, things continue to move along at a whirlwind pace these days. Saturday and Sunday will be the last open houses. After that, we will be listing with a realtor. I am not sure which one yet. I have a few in the running. I have hardly seent he boyfriend all week. Tuesday, he got home late from doing volunteer stuff. Wednesday I had my aerobics class. Tongiht, my folks are coming over, and want to see the house. Saturday, he has his game, we have an open house, and then we drive to Lansing to see his family. That is of course, unless his game has been moved to Easter Sunday. Speaking of which, I need to decide if I want to go to church or not on Sunday.

    That was an interesting topic on KG's Blog the other day. Religion. I am religious, much to the surprise of many friends and even my boyfriend at times. Growing up, I forced my mother to take me to church. I was my youth group leader. In high school, I read the Bible from cover to cover. I read the new testament twice. While coming out, I had a major crisis of faith. ie. The church says homosexuality is evil. I am homosexual. Therefore, the church thinks I am evil. Something along those lines. I got over it. I became what is known to me as a cafeteria Christian. I picked and chose what I liked, and ignored the rest. I figured that the same passages which talked about homosexuality also talked about putting women into menstrual shacks when they were menstruating, because they were unclean. My thoughts were that if that was no longer true, then the rest wasn't either....and screw anyone who thought otherwise. I rejoined the church about 5 years ago. I now occasionally attend Northside Presbyterian Church. They have an outreach ministry to campus students and gay and lesbians. So, overall a very welcoming group. About 1/3 queer. But, I have gone less and less over the past 2 years. As a matter of fact, I haven't been to church in about 8 months now. I think it is partly 2 things. 1. I hate the whole organized religion thing. I mean, don't you think God is sick of all those hymns? The same prayers week after week? I know I am. 2. I find myself becoming more agnostic. I believe in a higher power, but not necessarily the one in the bible. I firmly believe that whatever God does exist understands and is happy that I don't blindly follow along because I am told to. I question. I find myself picking up things from other faiths. One of my favorite sayings is "everything in moderation". I pray regularly, in the christian style, but assume God gets the gist (jist?) of what I am saying regardless of the form it comes in. Anyway...enough on all of this. I need to decide about church on Sunday. *sigh* How is that for a peek in my head?

    We found several errors the framers made in our new house, so I talked to the builder's office, and they are checking into them. I was warned that I shouldn't be wandering around the house, because it isn't safe, but I pointed out that it would be cheaper for them and faster for me to catch errors earlier. They finally acquiesced, and told me to be careful. My folks are coming out tonight to see the house, so we will be going through again.

    posted by Jarrod | 8:17 AM

    Friday, April 11, 2003  

    Current House

    Liam and his realtor came by last night. They spent 30 minutes or so looking around. That was promising. So, when leaving, the realtor said she would call to let me know whether they were making an offer or not. At about 9, we got a call. She said they were not making an offer, because our house was priced too high for the market. She gave specifics in our neighborhood to back that up. Patrick and I talked, and I called her back, and we said we would drop the price, gave her our adjusted price, and she said that since Liam was leaving town on Friday, she would let him know when he got back on Monday. A long time to wait. But, open houses Saturday and Sunday as always. Fun, Fun, Fun. Soon, we shall have to consider listing with an agent. That will mean that we will be unable to finish the basement for a while, but I guess that's life. I am trying to make mental piece with that.

    New House
    Last weekend, when I went out to look at it, it had basement walls, so I figured framing would start in the next few weeks. I went to look yesterday during lunch. We have walls and a roof. Can I say wow! I mean...Wow! That was really fast.

    House In General
    Nightmares all last night. We were trying to buy a house, an existing house, everyone else hated it. We loved it. It even had a ???Water slide??? in it. So, we put in an offer. Everyone said we were crazy. Then we realized that were building a house. They accepted our offer. We were going to have 2 houses to pay for....!!! That's when I realized that we needed to finish the basement of the house we put the offer in on.

    So, does the reader see how all of this intermingles everything above? It dawned on me this morning as I was trying to analyze my dream in the shower. It is amazing how hot water can help you think.

    posted by Jarrod | 7:43 AM

    Tuesday, April 08, 2003  

    Ann Arbor is NOT in Kansas....

    In other words, we live in a very different world around here...
    I read the following on another blog today...

    NORTH DAKOTA – The state Senate has voted to keep a 113-year-old law that makes it a crime for unmarried couples to live together.

    The proposal to repeal the anti-cohabitation law (which says a man and woman may not live together “openly and notoriously” as if they were married) was defeated 26-21.

    The offence is listed among other sex crimes, including rape and incest. Violations carry a maximum 30 days in jail and a $1,000 US fine.

    posted by Jarrod | 12:12 PM

    Friday, April 04, 2003  

    A letter recieved in Campus Email today....

    From: Paul N. Courant and Lazar J. Greenfield
    Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:23 AM
    To: "Members of the University Community"@umich.edu
    Subject: SARS Advisory

    Dear Members of the University Community,

    In recognition of the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in several parts of the world, and after consultation with medical and public health experts at the University, including Dr. Robert Winfield, Director of the University Health Service, and Dr. Darrell Campbell, Chief of Clinical Affairs, University of Michigan Hospitals, the University is taking the following measures to safeguard the health and safety of the campus community:

    Because of the significant number of SARS cases that have been reported in Toronto, Canada, and because of the introduction of strong public health measures there, it is strongly advised that faculty, staff, and students defer travel to Toronto for the time being.

    Students, faculty, and staff who are in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam on University-sponsored study abroad or other activities related to University business are asked to leave these affected countries.

    The University is canceling or postponing sponsored study abroad and other group activities to China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam that are scheduled to depart between now and May 15, 2003. In coming weeks as we continue to monitor the global progress of SARS, programs that begin in the affected countries after May 15, or are planned for other parts of the world where SARS may appear, may also be canceled. Where necessary, academic units will take steps to assure that students are able to fulfill any academic requirements associated with such travel.

    Faculty, staff, and students traveling independently in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam are urged to leave these countries promptly, and those planning independent travel to these high-risk areas are urged to defer their plans.

    Visitors to the University from the affected countries are asked to consider their plans carefully, to make sure they are informed about SARS, and to take into account the risks that may attend such travel.

    Anyone traveling in or returning from a SARS-affected area should be alert to symptoms of the illness as outlined in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control document, "Advice for Travelers about SARS" [http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/sars/pdf/travel_advice.pdf]. Both the University of Michigan Health System and the University Health Service have put in place CDC recommendations for identifying at-risk individuals for SARS. Other information and internet links for SARS advice may be found on the websites of the University Health Service [http://www.uhs.umich.edu/uhs/whatsup/sars.html] and the International Travel Oversight Committee [http://www.umich.edu/~itoc/].

    Additional information about the threat posed by SARS, including specific travel advisories urging the postponement of all non-essential travel to high-risk regions, are available at the websites of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/sars/), the World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/csr/sars/en/), and the State Department (http://www.travel.state.gov/sars_asia_announce.html).

    The University has established a committee that is continuously tracking developments involving SARS. This committee includes faculty experts in public health and infectious diseases, and administrators from academic and student affairs. It will keep abreast of new information about the origins and transmission of SARS, develop strategies for SARS-related public health management at the University, and share information with our community. Planning is also underway in the University of Michigan Health System, University Health Service, and other units.

    We recognize that the measures outlined above may disrupt the plans of individuals and groups on campus. We need to be thoughtful and vigilant in taking steps to protect the University community. On a campus as large and cosmopolitan as ours, it is vital that we be prudent and prepared. Given that our knowledge about SARS is still incomplete, these steps are fully warranted, and we ask for your cooperation.

    Paul N. Courant
    Provost and Executive
    Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Lazar J. Greenfield
    Interim Executive Vice President for
    Medical Affairs
    Interim CEO of UM Health System

    posted by Jarrod | 3:58 PM

    Tuesday, April 01, 2003  

    SARS Information.

    posted by Jarrod | 2:34 PM

    We're back...

    And a good time was had by all. Patrick actually came back from the Con on Sunday afternoon. I didn't get home until about 2:30 a.m. Monday morning. I had a very good 8th slot game with Nick Fortugno, "Scratches in the Alley". I really enjoyed it.

    I had at least 2 new people to the con comment that this was the best Con they had ever gone to, and were planning on coming back and bringing friends. So, I think that spoke very well of how organized and effiecient things have become. So, to the Con organizers, Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    I suffered from Post Con Let Down all day yesterday. I wanted to still be there, and not to come home, go to the gym, exercise, and deal with house stuff. Honestly, I am sick of dealing with the house. I can't wait to be done.


    We have basement walls. Progress is slow, but at least it is still moving forward.

    AmberCon NW

    Much was talked about this con. Patrick and I went 2 years ago. We have tentatively decided to go to the Con, providing that we a.) have money, and b.) have time. We shall see.

    posted by Jarrod | 1:11 PM
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