München-Reise 2008

last update: 11:45 Sa. Feb.6, 1: 30 pm

The information below is for students who are going on the U-M Residential College German Theater trip. Below is a partial listing of options for theater and opera.

Check back frequently for updates.

Past RC German trips for theater and the arts: GIEU Munich ( 2004), CiD Berlin trip (2006), Deutsches Theater Spring Break trips (2002-2005), student reflection Munich Spring Break

Links to major theaters in Munich:


Bayrisches Staatsschauspiel (Residenz, Marstall)

Kleines Spiel

Schauburg- Theater der Jugend

Nationaltheater (Best opera and ballet!)

Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz (opera/ballet)

Münchner Volkstheater

Münchner Marionettentheater

New: Metropol Theater

New: Münchner Theater für Kinder (Stiglmaierplatz) Shows ev. day at 15 Uhr except on Saturdays and Monday.

Go to Munichtheatertrip8.html

Museums... "Pinakothek" Museen
4Euro mit Studentenermäßigung- 1EURO am Sonntag
Lenbachhaus (Der blaue Reiter)
2.50 Euro mit Studentenermäßigung
Deutsches Museum

below: München am Tag...

Below: München am Abend


22. II

WE HAVE GROUP TICKETS for Verbrennungen(Mü. Volkstheater; Regie: Eder) 19.30 Uhr I ORDERED TIX FOR THIS FOR EV. @ 8.50 EURO- Reihen 6 & 7!

Okay, sorry. Here's what you are missing. . .

Der Sturm (Kammerspiele Schauspielhaus; Regie Pucher) 20-21:50 SOLD OUT/AUSVERKAUFT

Der Gott des Gemetzels (Yasmina Reza) Regie: Dieter Dorn (Residenz Theater) 19.15 Uhr Recommended: Dorn is very established. . . Actor Stefan Hunstein one of best in Munich.

Genannt Gospodin (Marstall; Regie Gloger) 20-21.30 This is a young, new director.

Carmen Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz 19-22

Eine Odyssee (Schauburg Theater der Jugend) (Regie: Beat Fäh)-"Der tz-Rosenstrauß des Jahres 2007 für Eine Odyssee (...) Besseres kann man dem Publikum der Schauburg kaum anbieten (...) 19:30 Uhr (Auch am Sa 23.2. 20:00 Uhr) Let Janet know soon--she'll need to purchase tix in advance) Beat Fäh is also very established. These shows are easy to follow. A little tricky finding the theater the first time, but not too bad.

Onegin (Ballett) Nationaltheater -John Cranko 19:30 Uhr Look at the photos on line 2 hrs. 30 min. with 2 intermissions


23. II.

NEW! WHOLE GROUP 11 Uhr- JYM, Meet Professor Hans Peter (HP) Söder, kurzer "Vortrag" über München. anschließend etwas knabbern/trinken mit ihm

15-17Gärtnertheater Opern auf Bayrisch (Aida, Zauberflöte, Lohengrin) Uhr

15 Uhr Mü. Der Riese Tunichtgut Marionettentheater

Die Familie Schroffenstein Kammerspiele Schauspielhaus (This was recommended to me)

Onegin (Opera Nationaltheater 19:30 Uhr - 3 hours 10 min. though the conductor (Kent Nagano) is excellent, I'd recommend theater tonight--either Volkstheater or Schauburg or Kammerspiele

Im Dickicht der Städte (Residenz: Regie:Tina Lanik) 20-22 (this is early Brecht. I've seen some good plays directed by Lanik.

Eine Odyssee (Schauburg Theater der Jugend) (Regie: Beat Fäh)-"Der tz-Rosenstrauß des Jahres 2007 für Eine Odyssee (...) Besseres kann man dem Publikum der Schauburg kaum anbieten (...) 20:00 Uhr. WE HAVE SOME TIX TO THIS

NEW! Terrorismus (Metropol Theater). I've never been to this theater, but it has been recommended to me as a place that has recently done some really nice work. If you are interested in this and don't have a ticket to Odyssee, you should probably let me know and I'll try to see what the ticket situation is.

Shockheaded Peter Junk Opera Gärtnerplatz Not recommended


24. II.

Kunstmuseen (Eintritt frei oder zumindest billig!)

NEW 10 AM Das Dschungelbuch Münchner Theater für Kinder

NEW!! 15-17 Group tickets Brecht: Im Dickicht der Städte (Lanik) im Residenz This show runs about 2 hrs. 7 mins. so not likely possible to see both it and the opera at 17 Uhr.

17 Uhr (Opera- see video clip and also photos on line) Chowanschtschina Opera in Russian with German Subtitles. Looks very interesting! Giant choruses. Choreography looks great. Music Mussorgsky TICKETS ARE GETTING A LITTLE LOW ON THIS.

Important: Zur schönen Aussicht (Kammerspiele Schauspielhaus; Regie Pohle) was cancelled. In its place is now Haß, Hass (nach dem Film von Kassovitz)- might be interesting to see the film this was based off "La Haine" "Hate"? Pictures look interesting. Brigitte Hobmeier is in this--she's my favorite actress, don't know how big her role is.19 Uhr

Undine (Gärtnerplatz; opera) Romantic work. Erica can tell you all about this. She usually teaches it in her Readings class.

Schilf (nach dem Roman von Juli Zeh). Volkstheater 19:30 This is directed by a young, new director. If you know the novelist, you might be interested in seeing a novel staged as theater. Can't vouch for it, though. This says "Sold out" but I may be able to get individual tix if you let me know you are interested.


25. II.

NEW! GROUP Stadttour mit HP, time to be announced

10.30 Stadttorheiten Münchner Stadtsagen Schauburg (Theater der Jugend)--stories/tales related to Munich (for children). If you are interested in this or any Schauburg shows, let me know. I need to check on tix in advance.

Note: Alte Pinakothek & Pinakothek der Moderne & Lenbachhaus are closed on Mon.

Glaube Liebe Hoffnung (Horvath) Regie: S. Kimmig (Kammerspiele Schauspielhaus) mit Brigitte Hobmeier--my favorite actress and actress of the year 2007. If you haven't seen this, you should plan on it. NOTE!!! NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO GET Group tix for this, but some Restkarten might be available. 20-21.35

Just added to choices: Engel (Kammerspiele Werkraum) 20-21.20 Uhr. This is by a young rising playwright, Anja Hilling. It's the last performance of this play, and it may be worth my checking seat availability in advance, so you need to let me know if you are really interested and I'll try to get you a ticket up front.

Don Karlos (Schiller) Stückl (one of my favorite directors, but I don't recommend this as much as GLH; a) Schiller is tough and b) the play is 4 hours long). 19 Uhr Einführung

Klein Eyolf (Residenz; Regie: Langhoff, Actor: Stefan Hunstein)

Balanchine/Van Manen/Forsythe (BALLET at Nationaltheater) See CTOOLS Site chat room notes from Beth Genne. This is the ballet she most recommended, based on her knowledge of the works, though she thought Onegin or Der Sturm would also be great ballet.



11 Uhr We have GROUP TICKETS Der Mann im Mond Musikalisches Märchenspiel

NEW 15 Uhr- Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren- Münchner Theater für Kinder

Note: Neue Pinakothek is closed on Tues. (but Alte Pinakothek has long hours, I believe)

Oedipus auf Kolonos (Kammerspiele Schauspielhaus; Jossi Wieler) This was recommended to me. Wieler is an established and excellent director.

Woyzeck (Residenz; RegieKusej) Woyzeck is a classic play, considered first "modern" play. You'll find the plot on line if not the whole play. The set looks interesting. I've always wanted to do that set and was disappointed to see that someone else had the same idea!

Don Karlos (Volkstheater; Regie: Stückl)

Onegin (Ballett) Nationaltheater -John Cranko 18 Uhr Einführung, 19:00 Uhr performance)

Endspiel (Marstall; Regie: Schey). This is classic Beckett, but there's little action and lots of reliance on language. Don't know this director.


27. II.

Dachau Museum. Let me know if you plan to come with us (10:30?)

10.30 od. 15 Uhr Monkie-oder das verlorene Äffchen Schauburg (Theater der Jugend) This is a fairy tale for young kids. If you are interested, let Janet know (I'll get tix in advance.)

15 Uhr Zwerg Nase Münchner Marionettentheater, ages 5 and up. I haven't seen this. If interested in a tour of the facility and in seeing the puppets, let me know.

NEW 15 Uhr: Pinocchios Abenteuer Münchner Theater für Kinder

Schilf - Volkstheater 19:30 Says this is sold out. Let me know if you want me to try to get individual tix for this by writing to the theater.

Check out the entire series of events related to Identity Kammerspiele Neues Haus. I have not posted all of these here since they are not plays and we don't have much description. This might be a good night to check these out.

Das Leben ein Traum Residenz. This might be good. Pictures look interesting. Oliver Nägele is an established actor.

Balanchine/Van Manen/Forsythe. Nationaltheater

Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Komisch-phantastische Oper in 3 Aufzügen von Otto Nicolai nach Shakespeare) Gärtnerplatz. I will always recommend the Nationaltheater over this but if you are a huge fan of this...

NEW! Bash (Metropol Theater). This is the premiere If you are interested in this, you should probably let me know and I'll try to see what the ticket situation is. This play is by Neil LaBute (who wrote The Shape of Things (Maß der Dinge), which some of you have read. I have really liked his stuff in German. Though he writes in English he is more popular in Europe than here. The performance will be in German, of course.

Do. 28. II. AUSFLUG: Garmisch Partenkirchen Early start time t.b.a.

New: Pippilangstrumpfs Abenteuer Münchner Theater für Kinder

Kleines Spiel (HIGHLY recommended). THis Brecht well done by a cool grass-roots marionette theater. I've seen this and can recommend it. The puppets are really well made, everything works well. Incidentally, the text is abbreviated. Music, ev. good. 20 Uhr. Get there early. Line forms outside and very limited space inside. Donation at end. You should be able to peek behind stage and see how the puppets are operated after it's over. I can get you invited backstage.

Baal (Volkstheater). Brecht's first major play. This has been recommended and this is the troupe in Munich that would likely do the best performance of it. For the experience, I'd probably rec. Kleines Spiel over this if it's your first time to Mun. to see theater. 19:30

Mamma Medea (Regie: Kimmig, who directed Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung) This was also recommended. Kimmig is excellent.



New: 15 Uhr Das Dschungelbuch Münchner Theater für Kinder

15 Uhr Zwerg Nase Münchner Marionettentheater, ages 5 and up. I haven't seen this. If interested in a tour of the facility and in seeing the puppets, let me know.

VERY TOUGH CHOICES HERE!! Talk to me about these.

Frühlings Erwachen (Wedekind) Regie: Christine Eder (Volkstheater) 19:30 Uhr Classic German play by Wedekind. Erica really likes this early modern play. She teaches it in Readings. This ensemble should do a more interesting job with this play about youth than most companies could. I would consider taking whole group to this if people are interested.

Onegin (Ballett) Nationaltheater -John Cranko (Einführung 18 Uhr, performance 19 Uhr)

Hass (nach dem Film von Kassovitz)- might be interesting to see the film this was based off "La Haine" "Hate"? Pictures look interesting. Brigitte Hobmeier is in this, so it should be good. 20 Uhr

Klein Eyolf Ibsen. (Residenz; Langhoff) You may or may not like Ibsen. The actor Stefan Hunstein is outstanding in everything. Director directed Brand last year.

pool (no water) Ein Text für Performer (by Eng. writer Ravenhill (It will be performed in German, though!). Marstall, Regie Florian Boesch. I have the text and we can/should pos. read it first. Seems promising. 20-21:15

Clavigo (Goethe) Teamtheater (Private stage--they do a lot of comedy stuff--supposed to be good, but I've never been there). Might need advance tickets.

NEW! Bash (Metropol Theater). I've never been to this theater, but it has been recommended to me as a place that has recently done some really nice work. If you are interested in this you should probably let me know and I'll try to see what the ticket situation is.


1. III.

11-12:15 Catweazle, der große Zauberer. Children's theater (ab 7), I've not seen children's theater by this major theater! Look at picture and description. Could be good. TOUGH CHOICES AGAIN.

Brecht: Im Dickicht der Städte (Lanik) im Residenz (I'll probably take you all to this on Sunday afternoon so that you can go to one of the many choices tonight!)

pool (no water) Ein Text für Performer (by Eng. writer Ravenhill (It will be performed in German, though!). Marstall, Regie Florian Boesch. I have the text and we can/should pos. read it first. Seems promising. 20-21:15

Der Schimmelreiter Schauburg Theater der Jugend. Directed by Beat Fäh. The director is good and the pictures look really interesting. If you loved the Odysee earlier in the week, you'll probably love this, too. If you didn't see eine Odysee and you aren't too interested in tonight's other offerings, this might be the right choice for you, though if you didn't see anything at the Nationaltheater, I'd recommend that, too! 20 Uhr. You need to tell me in advance so that I can try to get you a ticket or you prob. won't get in.

Der Sturm (Ballett) Nationaltheater. Pictures look gorgeous. Musik: Bruckner, Sibelius, Tschaikowsky. 20 Uhr Recommended if you have not been to anything this week in Nationaltheater. Try to decide early and watch the ticket sales on line so you don't get closed out. TIX ARE GETTING LOW.

Clavigo (Goethe) Teamtheater (Private stage--they do a lot of comedy stuff--supposed to be good, but I've never been there). Might need advance tickets.

NEW! Terrorismus (Metropol Theater). I've never been to this theater, but it has been recommended to me as a place that has recently done some really nice work. If you are interested in this , you should probably let me know and I'll try to see what the ticket situation is.

2. III Abfahrt : (