Collaborative articles between J. P. Boyd and
Prof. Benkui Tan
Dept. of Geophysics
Peking University >
Beijing 100871
People's Republic of China

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    "Dynamics of the Flierl-Petviashvili Monopoles in a Barotropic Model with Topographic Forcing",
    by Benkui Tan and J. P. Boyd, Wave Motion, 26, 239-252 (1997).

    "Vortex Crystals and Non-existence of Non-axisymmetric Solitary Waves in the Flierl-Petviashvili Equation", by J. P. Boyd and Benkui Tan, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 9, no. 12, 2007-2021 (1998).

    "Davydov Soliton Collisions", by Benkui Tan and J. P. Boyd, Physics Letters A., 240, 282-286 (1998).

    "Coupled-Mode Envelope Solitary Waves in a Pair of Cubic Schroedinger Equations with Cross Modulation: Analytical Solution and Collisions" ,
    by Benkui Tan and J. P. Boyd, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, in proof .

    "Composite Bound States of Wide and Narrow Envelope Solitons in the Coupled Schroedinger Equations Through Matched Asymptotic Expansions",
    by J. P. Boyd and Benkui Tan, Nonlinearity, 12, 1449-1469 (1999).

    "Stability and Long-Time Evolution of the Periodic Solutions to the Two Coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations",
    by Benkui Tan and J. P. Boyd, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, in proof .